How to make pre workout powder?

Are you tired of plugging your nose and forcing down those nasty-tasting pre workout powders every time you head to the gym? Fear not, my friend! Today we’re going to teach you how to make a pre workout powder that not only packs a punch but tastes good too. Grab your lab coats (or aprons) because things are about to get scientific up in here.

What is a Pre Workout Powder?

Before we start creating our very own pre workout powder, let’s first understand what it actually is. Simply put, it’s a supplement used by fitness enthusiasts before their workouts. It usually contains ingredients such as caffeine, amino acids like Beta Alanine and L-Citrulline Malate among others that help with focus, blood flow and muscle fatigue.

Now let’s get started on making our killer homemade version!

Tools You Will Need

  • A large mixing bowl
  • Measuring cups
  • Scale
  • Blender or food processor
  • Air-tight containers for storage

Pro-tip: Don’t use your kitchen measuring cups – invest in proper ones designed for making supplements.


This recipe yields around 20 servings and can be stored for up to three months when properly sealed. For this, you’ll need:

Caffeine Anhydrous – 200g

What’s caffeine anhydrous? It’s just pure caffeine without any water content or impurities – basically the stuff that gets you buzzing on coffee! This ingredient helps with mental alertness during workouts.

Citrulline Malate –100g

Citrulline malate makes its presence felt by reducing muscle soreness after high intensity exercise session thanks largely due its vasodilatory properties.

Beta Alanine – 80g

Beta alanine reduces muscle fatigue which ensures optimum exercise performance. This amino acid works well alongside creatine in boosting endurance levels.

Creatine Monohydrate – 50g

Creatine monohydrate is one of the most researched supplements out there and when consumed, helps improve muscle strength specifically for high intensity workouts like lifting weights.

Agmatine Sulfate -15mg

Agmatine sulfate boosts natural levels of nitric oxide production thereby helping to increase blood flow to key areas during exercise sessions

Beetroot Powder – 10g

Beetroot powder contains nitrate compounds which work wonders to dilate blood vessels thus increasing the supply of oxygen-rich bloodstream throughout workouts.

Pro-tip: Wear gloves while handling beetroot powder as it stains your fingers!

Taurine- 80g

Taurine plays a big role in reducing fatigue as well as improving heart health and inflammation control

Recipe: How to Make Your Own Pre Workout Powder

  1. Set up your workspace by having all the ingredients you’ll need within easy reach.

  2. Measure out each ingredient using appropriate equipment then pour them into a large mixing bowl.

  3. Use a food processor or blender to blend everything together until you get smooth powder free from any lumps.

  4. Once blended, store the pre-workout powder in an air-tight container preferably made from glass containers away from moisture.

Fun Fact: Some folks opt for clear storage bottles so they can easily showoff their creations on Instagram!

  1. Enjoy your workout with some homemade preworkout supplement that’s tailored exactly for you!

But what about taste?

This isn’t just another protein shake we’re talking about here; taste really matters with these supplements because if it doesn’t go down smoothly, getting through those last sets becomes an even taller order than it already is!

But not to worry – this recipe might be all natural, but that doesn’t mean it has to be all bark and no bite. Opt for natural sweeteners like honey instead of sugar that offers Golden hues and doubles as a thickener – this way your preworkout will taste good while contributing an invigorating burst of energy at the same time.

Pro-tip: Add powdered peppermint or cinnamon to make taste even better by giving an added flavor experience!

Final Thoughts

And there you have it folks! It might seem daunting making your own supplement powder from scratch, but don’t let anything stop you from tinkering around the kitchen until you find what works best. Just remember to pay attention when handling weigh heavy ingredients (caffeine in particular) and store everything well away moisture so they last longer.

Cheers to homemade supplements!

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