How to make onion juice for drinking?

We’ve all heard of the saying that “an onion a day keeps the doctor away,” but let’s be real, who wants to chomp on raw onions every single day? The solution? Turn those pungent bulbs into delicious, nutrient-packed juice! In this article, we’ll be discussing how to make freshly squeezed onion juice from scratch – and no, store-bought onion-flavored juices do not count.

Benefits of Drinking Onion Juice

Before diving into the recipe itself, it’s important to know why you would want to drink onion juice in the first place. Here are some benefits:

  • Boosts immunity
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Increases energy levels
  • Helps protect against cardiovascular disease

With that said prepare yourself for an onion-tastic adventure!

Choosing your Onions

The key ingredient in this recipe (obviously) is onions. But which ones should you use? When making onion juice for drinking purposes, it’s best to use sweet or Vidalia onions. These varieties have lower levels of sulfur compounds than other types and result in a milder tasting juice (making it more palatable).

A good rule of thumb is to pick medium-sized onions with firm outer skins and no soft spots or bruises. They should also feel heavy for their size since heavier means fresher (just like my jokes).

Tools You Will Need

Making fresh vegetable juice isn’t rocket science; however, having access to suitable tools will save time and reduce frustration (no one likes wasted food).

Here are items that come handy when juicing:

  1. Juicer (masticating/centrifugal)
  2. Blender
  3. Cheesecloth/Nut bag
  4. Sharp knife/chopper
    5 .Cutting board
  5. A bowl to collect juice

Don’t worry if you don’t have a juicer; you can use a blender instead.

Onion Juice Recipe

With all the ingredients and tools gathered, it’s time for the fun part: making onion juice. Follow these simple steps as we guide you through the process:

Step 1: Cut your onions

Peel your onions and chop them into small pieces so that they blend/juice easily (be careful not to cut yourself or cry too much). If using a juicer, no need to refine cutting since it will do most of the work.

Step 2: Blender Method (Optional)

If using a blender, put chopped onions into it with little water then start blending till smooth consistency is achieved.

Tip: Use ice-cold water in place of normal room temperature water while blending – It reduces pungency and makes taste more bearable (you’re welcome).

Step 3: Extracting Juice

Next up, pour blended onions onto cheesecloth/nut bag suspended over a mixing bowl/sieve/filter – Just like creating an art! Squeeeeeze out every drop!

Alternatively, utilize your juicer by placing chopped pieces inside chute filling approximately half way before sliding cover securely above blades feed tube opening while maintaining downward pressure until empty pulp residue shoots from machine outlet spout below liquid.

Side-note: For whichever way used for squeezing juice from blended mixture ensure to run this done twice or thrice until you get clear/less opaque fluid.)

Step 4: Storage & Consumption

Store strained onion juice in tightly sealed jar/container where it can survive within three days when refrigerated. The best time to consume is early morning after breakfast on an empty stomach followed by gargling/mouthwash rinse-water swish after each swallow/chug which helps against bad onion breath/freshens breath also (trust me I know).


  • Add a few drops of honey or lemon juice to temper the onion’s sharpness
  • Mix it with other juices for added nutrition and variety (I recommend carrot juice)
  • Use organic onions whenever possible
  • Always opt for fresh onions instead of pre-packed ones (they tend to have higher sulfur content)
  • Drink it consistently to see full benefits

Now, let’s give this recipe a shot! Who knew that something as simple as an onion could provide us with so many health benefits? So go ahead, relish every glassful and bask in the luxury of excellent well-being.

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