How to make cramps go away?

Ah, the joys of being a woman. Menstruation, childbearing, and cramps. Yes, those pesky little pains that remind us every month of our biology. But fear not! I’m here to share some tips and tricks on how to make cramps go away so you can continue enjoying your day without feeling like someone is twisting your insides.

First things first: what are menstrual cramps?

Before we dive into the remedies, let’s talk about what causes these debilitating pains in the first place. During menstruation, the uterus contracts to shed its lining. These contractions are caused by prostaglandins – hormone-like substances produced by the lining of the uterus – and they can cause pain when they reach high levels.

Remedy #1: Heat it up!

One common way to alleviate period cramps is through application of heat. This helps relax tense muscles and increase blood flow to soothe sore spots inside your body.

Try this: Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen for 15-20 minutes at a time throughout the day.

Or this: Take a warm bath or shower for an all-over relaxing effect (and maybe toss in some bubbles too).

Remedy #2: Exercise can help

Yes, you read that right! Moving around may be one effective way towards making cramp go away because it gets blood flowing more effectively throughout your body as well as releasing natural endorphins which reduce pain perception throughout your system giving you much relief from any discomfort experienced during cycle days (well if only laziness could just move aside!)

Some simple exercises routes^you could take

  • Dancing with friends
  • Yoga poses
  • House chores such as gardening
    (we need not neglect them)

Remedy #3: Over-the-counter pain relief medication

When all else fails, it’s time to bring in the big guns. Various medicines can be taken as a solution for menstrual cramp related pains.

Some suggestions

  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
    (we do trust you know how to find them at your closest pharmacy)

Remedy #4: Limit Salt intake

An overly salted diet may cause/worsen bloating, which is an utmost recipe for achy insides and stomachs.

So try: Reducing salty snacks such as chips or preparing meals with less amount of salts or even better avoid altogether!

Remedy #5: Up your Vitamin D intakes

Are you still hesitant on whether this could work? Well take note that several studies have demonstrated links between higher Vitamins D levels & reduced period-related cramps Hence consuming more vegetables like spinach and kale just might prove helpful. Looks like those smoothies would be coming handy after all! And who knows, stronger bones couldn’t hurt either.

In conclusion, depending on where you are from – well maybe a bit extra humor might not go amiss; relieving menstrual symptoms is admirably doable through simple remedies which contain no other side effects than solving the initial problem winks! but seriously these quick fixes are worth trying out so we can get back our game per day without easing into bed rest because of excruciating pain(s). Dealing with menstruation doesn’t have to rank too high on difficulties faced during womanhood now does it?

Cheers(every pun intended), ladies!

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