How to make a corn go away?

Are you feeling like your foot has been invaded by an unwelcome husk? Fear not! We’ve got the ultimate guide for how to get rid of a corn once and for all. Read on for tips, tricks, do’s, don’ts and plenty of bad puns.

Understanding What a Corn Actually Is

Before we start talking about ways to remove this little sucker from our feet let’s understand what it is first. A corn is basically when there is too much friction happening between the skin and your footwear or socks in particular areas until eventually that area becomes hard as hell (not literally). This is usually seen on toes since they are cramped inside shoes but can also be found elsewhere pretty easily (trust us).

The Dos & Dont’s – What Not To Do With Your Corns

There are things you may have heard of that actually make things worse rather than better. Here’s some DONT’S you should avoid if looking after your feet means anything to you:

  1. Ignore It: Ignoring it will only worsen the situation making removal much more difficult later.
  2. Pick At It: We know it’s tempting but resist…picking at them could lead to infection which no one wants.
  3. Use Harsh Chemicals: Remember, these are your precious feet – you don’t want nasty chemicals causing damage.

Instead, focus on doing what needs doing so that those pesky pods won’t plague us anymore!

First Solution – Home Remedies (Natural Alternatives)

Nature always surprises us with its invaluable resources doesn’t it? Some of these natural remedies show beautiful effects while being fuss free and easy-peasy-lemon-squeasy to execute:

Soak In Water

Just like water does great work dissolving sugar cubes in morning coffee; soaking ones’ feet in warm water has the same effect on corns. Being a natural remedy, it doesn’t harm sensitive feet and, as they say in show biz, works like an absolute dream.

Baking Soda

Who would have thought that baking was good for anything other than filling our stomachs? Its antifungal properties make it perfect for disinfecting corn-infected surfaces while being budget friendly too! Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with warm water to form a paste; apply this mixture once in the morning & evening until your dreaded foe conquers defeat!

Green Tea

Heard about its endless benefits. Not only is green tea good for hydrating skin (needed after soaking) but its antioxidants protect even further against bacteria enhancing recovery rate.

Second Solution – Professional Treatment

If nature isn’t up to par or you’re just sick and tired of DIY treatments there are trained professionals who can work miracles for those unrelenting feet :

Time For A Foot Specialist

A podiatrist knows how better than anyone how to tackle insistent foot issues such as these bugging bumps efficiently whilst allowing your poor little toesies some peace at last!

Prescription Medications

For more severe cases there may be prescription medication offered which usually target treating underlying symptoms i.e joint inflammation leading secondarily to rubbing caused by abnormal ways of walking etc.,

Prevention Is Better Than Cure – How To Prevent Corn/s In The Future?

As said before prevention is much easier than dealing with removal later on so here’s what you need to know :

  1. Shoes– we all love pretty shoes but improper footwear leads directly towards them awful pods.
  2. Socks – just because their primary job function is conceal-ment; it does not mean thier importance should be undermined since quality socks prevent excess friction ultimately resulting in healthy soft skin over time.
  3. Moisturising- Dry feet only serve as olympic level friction onto skin, therefore keeping feet well moisturised is key

In Summary

All in all corns suck (pardon our language). So remember to take care of your feet so they can be the happiest of campers out there! The best treatment is prevention; hence following these simple tips will make sure that you won’t ever have to suffer from this pesky pod again. But just in case those little guys do decide find their home on once perfect, unblemished foot,. don’t forget about soaking and natural remedies or even happier: leave it up to the professional help.

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