How to know if you have a rectocele?

You never thought you would be Googling the words ‘rectal prolapse’ or ‘rectocele’, but here we are. We get it, talking about weird butt stuff is uncomfortable, but that’s why we’re here to make it entertaining and informative.

But First…What Is a Rectocele?

Without getting too graphic, a rectocele occurs when the thin wall of tissue (aka fascia) between your rectum and vagina weakens. This can cause your stool to get stuck in your vagina, leading to discomfort or even constipation. Think of it like trying to push toothpaste through an almost-empty tube.

Note: Do not use actual toothpaste tubes for visualization purposes.

But don’t worry – this condition is incredibly common and there are plenty of ways to manage it. Here’s how you can tell if you have one:

Signs You Might Have a Rectocele

  • Feeling like something is falling out of your vagina
  • Having difficulty passing bowel movements
  • Sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation
  • Constipation
  • Pain during intercourse

Fun fact: Did you know that Queen Elizabeth I was said to suffer from chronic constipation? Maybe she had a royal case of rectoceles too.

If any (or all) of these apply, keep reading!

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

In order to confirm whether or not you have a rectocele (and bragging rights at future dinner parties), perform the following steps:

  1. Lie down on your back with knees bent.
  2. Place two fingers inside your vagina while simultaneously pressing down on the skin around your anus with other hand.
  3. Contract like you’re holding in gas while bearing down slightly as if having bowl movement.
  4. If there is a bulge or pressure felt against your fingers, you may have a rectocele.

Disclaimer: Always wash your hands before inserting them into any bodily orifices. We shouldn’t have to say this, but we will anyways.

How Did This Happen?

There are a number of temporary situations that could cause you to develop a rectocele temporarily (such as childbirth). However, long-term weakening and stretching of the pelvic floor muscles over time is one common cause. That’s right, all of those kegels classes were actually onto something.

Other contributing factors include:

  • Chronic coughing
  • Heavy lifting
  • Obesity
  • Genetics
  • Age

Pro-tip: Avoid all risky activities like laughing fits with grandpa or crossfitting in a onesie.

If you’ve gone through menopause and feel like Clara from The Nutcracker because all your parts are shifting around uncontrollably – don’t worry! Hormonal changes can play a part here too.

Time To See A Doctor (Relax… It’s not that bad)

While some women live happily ever after without experiencing symptoms (insert eye roll for the lucky minority), most people do require medical intervention. If you suspect having this condition based on our above mentioned criteria , it is advisable to schedule an appointment with OBGYN who specialized Pelvic Floor problems who can perform more reliable physical examination .So flicker off Netflix ,don’t be queue warrior at coffee shop and take control !

Typically doctors first diagnose using noninvasive methods such as palpation test done by inserting their finger inside vagina.
In severe cases where nonsurgical treatment isn’t effective enough pelvic reconstructive surgery that uses support materials in order repair weakened fascia might be recommended.
Sounds scary? Don’t fret, millions undergo these types procedure yearly – just ask Joe Biden!

Keep Your Rectum In Check

Having a rectocele can be uncomfortable the longer it goes untreated, so take heart knowing there are options for relief. The following suggestions might help you live more soundly and “normal” 😉

  • Pelvic floor exercises (kegels)
  • Fiber rich diet
  • Stool softeners if required after consulting with doctor
  • Lifting properly
  • Quit smoking

Fun fact: For those of our readers who have trouble remembering to do daily kegel exercises, don’t fret -there’s an app for that! It’s called Kegel Camp because clearly we need yet another subcategory in LifeCategory™ .

How To Live Your Best Rectum-Filled Life

Our last piece of advice? Don’t sit on your ~~butt~~ bum feeling sorry for yourself or being afraid to discuss it. Rectoceles happen more often than people realize and unfortunately most women have been occupied showing off their own back themselves all quarantine without realizing issues down under .The sooner you come to terms with discussing pelvic health, the sooner you can begin healing.

So go forth and conquer ladies.. Remember – a little humor and a healthy amount of poop puns can turn any awkward conversation into one worth having!

## Conclusion

Congratulations! By making it through this article ,you’re now well-equipped at identifying whether or not you may have unwelcome house guest camping out in your vagina. But as they say ,sharing is caring so spread the word around about these lesser-known but common medical conditions.

P.S We hope writing this very serious article illuminates the need for unglamorous subjects like Pelvic Health make us laugh while comprehending basic facts during pandemic times instead of constantly doomscrolling.

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