How to know if ankle is broken or not?

Ankles are complex joints composed of numerous bones and ligaments that make them more prone to injury than other parts of our body. Understanding whether your ankle is broken or sprained can be difficult, but it’s important to diagnose the injury correctly in order for you to receive proper treatment. In this article, we’ll explore different symptoms and methods that can help you identify whether your ankle is broken or not.


The first sign of an injured ankle typically manifests as swelling around the affected area. It’s worth noting that swelling isn’t exclusive to fractures; it could also indicate soft tissue injuries like ligament strains or tears, which may similarly require attention from a medical professional should they persist. However, when experiencing swelling due to a fractured ankle bone, it typically appears immediately after trauma where blood rushes into surrounding tissues causing inflammation soon afterward.


If your swollen foot has taken on an unusual shape such as a protruding lump near the bone setting itself apart from its usual orientation – this usually suggests fracture! A distinct feature with many common broken bones occurs when there is muscle mass present just above the bone surface. The sudden loss of strength within those muscles often cause a deformity around any exposed breaks &/or twists.


One thing both sprains and fractures share in common: discomfort! If pain doesn’t subside significantly over time by elevating leg positioning relative distance away heightened above ground during rest periods , then something serioustly might have happened – most likely some type breakage inside either joint system underfoot. Furthermore people generally describe sharp shooting contents bursting up sides whenever placing weight down onto focal point located at center part back edge sole plate region underneath their feet…and yes indeed all these severe reactions including/or not isolated instances ongoing needing prompt medical attention!

Tip: When applying pressure across suspected areas injured region (e.g. bottom of foot), be mindful that applying excessive pressure may cause discomfort or make injuries worse.


Skin discoloration is always a hard evidence to ignore – even our daily interests converge in how to minimize/avoid dark circles under eyes every morning! A common feature discernible on a broken ankle involves various shades appearing around the affected joint, commonly going from yellowish purple hues (most severe) down towards green and blue shapes gradually edging outwards over several days rather than all happening immediately like with some other sprain types.

Tip: unlike bruises formed by blunt force contact, you can’t get bruises just due fast walking, so consider seeking immediate medical attention when accompanied with sharp pain sensations (of course dependent upon overall susceptibility weighting factors).

Inability To Walk

Taking anything more than one step while experiencing acute levels of dull pain is arguably impossible even for those possessing high endurance; therefore outright immobility owes no subtle nuances about the body’s condition as they scream an emergency situation occurring inside your bones right away if there are any impact blocks preventing full standing power at these times!

Swelling Lingers On Thoughout Day

If you’re looking for something other than unusual redness visible through socks or ice pack application inducing numb cold sensation, having swollen joints persisting throughout day after events which would normally cause swelling subsiding within hours normal circimstances often steers into fractured territory as well

Rather encouragingly though still freaks people nevertheless it’s worth keeping mind given that sometimes false positives have arisen without solid objective reasons prop, such odd occurrences usually take place when someone has experienced both general soft tissue trauma combined neurological depression symptoms brought on either directly/peripheral nerve damages surrounding area!

Steps You Can Take If You Suspect an Ankle Fracture:

If you believe any harmful occurrence might’ve happened then trust gut instinct first: seek professional medical evaluation!. That being said, to be extra sure that your ankle is in fact fractured, try doing the following:

Visiting A orthopaedic Specialist Or ER

By-and-large, getting confirmed diagnosis through advanced testing methods frequently yield accurate result especially when requiring surgical intervention. This involves a thorough physical exam from an experienced medical practitioner as well specialized imaging such as MRI or CT Scans of affected region (not to mention traditional X-rays).

Tip: If you think ambulatory surgery could turn out necessary… ask doctor about potential post-operation symptoms ranging from fever and blood loss/commodity restrictions legging logistics.

Ask for help

If walking on suspected injured foot is too much torture for testicles being forced downwards anytime squatting droppings even just inch off ground surface then telling someone else during these uniquely challenging times can make all difference treatment!


Overall broken ankles have certain specific characteristics that differ from sprained ankle type injuries people often experience thus crucially separating the latter group into ease of maintenance over time vs time wasting recovery efforts against fractures which require early intervention! When it comes down to identifying whether or not one has sustained some sort fracture thanks joint system below waistline level our bodies it’s—there’s no question that seeking professional opinion should always never ends-up neglected under normal circumstances…lest ye wish skin rough rubbin’ agains cast brace hard edges making daily troubles find harmony with good happenin’ vibes around this bumpy globule we live’d’n.

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