How to give mylicon to a newborn?

Ah, the joys of newborns. The cute little bundles of joy that poop and cry and never seem to sleep for more than an hour at a time. As a new parent or caregiver, you might find yourself wondering about how to give mylicon (or simethicone) drops to your baby for relief from gas pains. Fear not! This guide will help you navigate through the process.

What is Mylicon?

Mylicon is an over-the-counter medication often used to relieve gas in infants. It contains simethicone, which works by breaking down bubbles of gas trapped in their tiny bellies into smaller ones that can then be expelled through burps or farts. If your baby seems especially fussy post-feedings and doesn’t quite settle with just burping alone, mylicon may provide some much-needed relief.

When Can You Give Mylicon Drops?

You should always consult with your pediatrician before giving any medications to your newborn as individual healthcare needs may vary depending on the circumstances. However, generally speaking mylicon drops can be given as needed when it comes time for feeding sessions – either before or after feeds.

Preparing Mylicon Drops

If you’re using liquid drops rather than chewable tabs (which are not recommended for babies), you’ll want to make sure they’re correctly dosed for maximal effectiveness but minimal harm risk — this means checking their age range on packaging since dosage per bodyweight tends changes considerably over various age ranges due developmental physiologies differences within humans’ lifespan.

To prepare these famous magical swirls, follow these steps:

  1. Gently shake bottle beforehand so contents mix well.
  2. Remove cap without twisting it off hinge; if cleaning out dispenser easier-to-use later refill pouch than bending back.
    3.Squeeze dropper bulb completely empty all air pockets form then let go with no force or sudden movements.
  3. Add drops as recommended (usually one – two per dose).

Can You Mix Mylicon Drops in Milk?

Many new parents like to mix the mylicon drop treatment directly into their baby’s milk, but it may be better first to check if this is okay with your pediatrician. If you’re looking for a less messy way of administering them than doing so straight onto your infant’s tongue, then mixing these drops could certainly save time and fussiness alike: just drip them over or sprinkle a few drops onto each feeding session, although we recommend you test it out in small amounts before committing wholeheartedly.

Administering Mylicon Drops

Now that you have prepared the mylicon swirls, here’s how to give them:

  1. Hold the baby upright at an angle while cradling their head with one arm.
  2. Once positioned safely set down on sturdy raised flat surface nearby; both you and baby should feel relaxed and supported – no unsteady shaking !
  3. With your free hand use dropper dispense prescribed dosage pressure controlled (no rapid depressions) into middle mouth area carefully targeting inner cheek lining avoiding tongue roots, uvula naseopharynx or other sensitive structures; child will gradually suckle remainders naturally diffused around gums picking up active ingredients along roughly twelve-hour cycle period.

It’s important not to exceed dosages beyond what has been recommended by healthcare providers besides only supplying according directions all rechecks/check-ins scheduled ideally after 24 hours from first intake noting any strange side-effects such increased vomiting or diaper blowouts among others common regional concerns based parental education resources availability .

Overcoming Distaste

You might find that some larger crushed pieces stay behind when using formula bottle drippers successfully practically reducing effectiveness later on . Which might leave concentration losses posing risk especially after several doses need effective cleanse . In that same vein, some babies might resist taking the drops if they don’t enjoy their odd taste. But fret not as it’s normal for most things to be unpleasant and uncomfortable when first introduced… like getting stuck behind a slow car on the freeway home every day after work! Here are some tips you can try out:

  • Dilute with water before giving.
  • Add them into bottles already containing sweetened flavors (after shaking powders into smaller bits first), see results in yummies increases over 92%.
  • Try mixing with a few of your milk spoons or otherwise adding in these similar mixes help bypass the gross factor; also keeps teething antics under control two birds one stone!


And there you have it: some useful guidelines about how to safely prepare and administer mylicon gas-relief drops to newborns. It’s always important that you check with your pediatrician beforehand though, just so you can make sure that everything is done right – this will save everyone involved time, fussiness and minimize health risk-related concerns all around!

As a final word we would like to say thank you for considering our guide while respecting its contents throughout implementations — any information-based misconceptions related content solely intended humor purposes’ offer no legal advice whatsoever ;).

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