How to get rid of strip throat?

Attention all germophobes, hypochondriacs, and anyone desperate for relief from the dreaded strep throat! We’ve all been there – feeling like we just swallowed a bunch of razor blades or trying to communicate in Morse code because talking is that painful. Fear not my friends! In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to get rid of Streptococcus pyogenes (the fancy name for the bacteria responsible for strep throat). Let’s jump right into it!

Heading 1: Symptoms

Before getting into treatment options, let’s identify common symptoms:

  • Sore throat
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • High fever
  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Red and swollen lymph nodes in neck

If you’re experiencing any combination of these symptoms, STOP reading this article immediately and book an appointment with your doctor. This is no time for self-diagnosing on Dr. Google.

Heading 2: Diagnosis

Once diagnosed by your doctor (you did make that appointment, right?), they will likely prescribe antibiotics as treatment. It’s important to take these as prescribed until the full dosage has been completed.

Heading 3: Drink Up!

Not just beer unfortunately – although that can often be tempting when dealing with strep throat pain. Drinking ample fluids such as water, tea or soup can help alleviate dryness while reducing inflammation within the body.

Heading 4: Eucalyptus Oil Spray

Eucalyptus essential oil spray offers an excellent way of relieving sore throats caused by bacterial infections like strep throat thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Simply add eucalyptus oil drops into warm water then gargle several times a day for quick relief.

Heading 5:Suck on Lozenges

Suck on lozenges to numb the pain and reduce throat inflammation, but be sure they aren’t too sugary. Most grocery stores or pharmacies will carry special lozenges designed specifically for sore throats.

Heading 6: Humidifier is your friend

Place a humidifier in your room – this helps moisturize the air while allowing you to breathe more easily through your nose.

Heading 7: Salt Water Gargle

The age-old remedy of gargling warm salt water can greatly improve strep throat symptoms thanks to its antibacterial properties. Simply dissolve one-half teaspoon of salt into an eight-ounce glass of warm water then gargle several times a day.

Heading 8: Honey & Lemon Tea

If gargling is not for you, try adding honey and lemon in hot tea – this combination serves as a natural cough suppressant that prevents irritation thus providing quick relief from strep throat agony.

Heading 9: AVOID Certain Foods

Avoid acidic foods with high levels vitamin C like lemons or oranges since they could provoke further discomfort by irritating already inflamed tonsils. Eat easy-to-swallow foods such as soups rather than spicy dishes that may further irritate the area.

Heading10:Sore Throat Remedy Drink Recipe

Looking for something tastier? Try making this soothing drink to relieve symptoms:

Ingredients Quantity
Warm water 1 cup
Freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons
Raw honey 1 tablespoon
Mint leaves Few

Mix all ingredients together well before sipping slowly every few hours throughout the day.

##Heading11:Nasal Spray

Did you know that using nasal sprays like saline solution is extremely helpful when suffering from stuffy sinuses which cause painful blockages in your throat? They work wonders for providing rapid relief by clearing airways, increasing blood flow and making breathing easier.

Heading 12: Herbal Teas

Herbal teas aren’t just for hipsters. Chamomile, sage, cinnamon or black tea with lemon may give you some extra TLC while recovering from strep throat.

Heading 13: Increase Water Intake

It is important to drink plenty of water not only when infected but also as a preventative measure since staying hydrated reduces the risk of developing any form of infection.

Heading 14: Avoid Smoking!

Smoking has been shown to increase symptoms associated with strep throat – including soreness and inflammation that can even make it worse. So put down the cigarettes!

Heading 15:Maintain Good Hygiene

Wearing a mask in public places like transportation stations or grocery stores helps prevent the spread of diseases like COVID-19 which are transmitted through respiratory droplets. Prioritizing good hygiene habits such as washing hands frequently will also reduce the chances of contracting other illnesses.

Heading16:The Cuddle Cure

This one’s handy if you have roommates or significant others willing to cuddle up next to you on the sofa – scientific studies agree that physical touch increases oxytocin levels, reducing stress hormones thus strengthening immune systems and speeding up recovery time!

So there we go folks – our ultimate guide on how to get rid strep throat with remedies ranging from weirdly obvious things like ‘increasing hydration’ all the way down date night Netflix-n-chill advice . We hope this helped provide ideas so other people don’t suffer needlessly.

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