How to get rid of std rash?

If you’re reading this article, chances are that little red rash decided to show up after a night of passion. Well, congratulations on getting laid! Now let’s talk about that pesky issue down there. With proper care and attention, you can get rid of that annoying STD rash in no time.

First Things First: Identify the Rash

Before you go full-on attack mode with creams and ointments, it’s essential to identify what kind of sexually transmitted disease you’ve contracted. The most common types include:


  • Caused by bacteria called chlamydia trachomatis.
  • Common symptoms are painful urination and itching.


  • Bacterial infection caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • Can cause burning sensation while peeing or vaginal discharge


  • Caused by Treponema pallidum (bacteria).
  • Early symptoms include genital sores or rashes.

Now that we have figured out which type is bothering your nether regions let’s hop onto our next step.

Seek Medical Help

Well yeah…we did just point out all these different kinds associated with the arrival of rash but when in confusion its always best to take help from professionals who sometimes come as heroes for us; the doc!

STDs need medical diagnosis from doctors as they may worsen over time if not treated properly so don’t hesitate until it turns into something more dangerous than just an itch (HIV/AIDS). Don’t worry though — doctors aren’t going judge/tease/mock me situation either else I would stand accused too because..I mean who doesn’t?

What happens at the doctor?
So now here comes my favorite part where instead of training for a marathon (swirl) all you gotta do is visit one of these medical heroes and they’re gonna closely examine your rash to figure out what kind of STD it is. If the exam isn’t enough, the doc would require you to have blood tests or pee in a cup (simple eh?). Relax..they may take away some vials from you but its only for testing purposes.

Once they diagnose it, then we can proceed with the cure.

Ice That Rash Away!

Ever heard someone saying “Ohh beefy burn while grilling? Here is ice!”; now imagine that happening down there…ouch! Fret not though; if your genitalia looks like ‘the house always wins’ at Vegas casino- apply an ice pack straight onto rashes. The cold will help keep itching and inflammation under control making the situation less gross than before.

Take Medications

Don’t forget proper diagnosis comes with instructions which helps get rid of this physical unpleasantness. Most common solution: medication.


Antibiotics are usually used for bacterial infections such as gonorrhea; There’s nothing antithetical about using anti-biotic sparingly trust me, those tiny pills ensure to nullify spreading of said disease helping heal faster along with no chance left for having babies during that limited time period – so win-win!


Viruses cause viral diseases such as herpes where instead of antibiotic cream or pill a stronger prescription result resolves the symptoms quickly rather setting up shop again somewhere near/unfamiliar future giving same annoyance over & over!

So yeah sometimes taking pills sucks let’s admit but allowing people must use condoms should be done right?

Table showing various medical solutions available:

Symptoms Medical Solution
Painful urination Antibiotics
Vaginal discharge Antibiotics
Genital sores/rashes Antivirals

It seems easy ah why didn’t we use the table before too!

Use Creams and Ointments

Sometimes rash can lead to dryness, inflammation or burning sensation that can last long after the actual infection. In such cases, sometimes any ointments application over said area proving helpful in terms of healing effect which further ensures rashes would try their best not to mess up your weekend plans.

Topical treatments include:

Hydrocortisone cream

Hydrocortisone cream is made of steroids that helps reduce itchiness and inflammation making yourself more comfortable down there.


Triamcinolone gel provides increased efficiency against dryness coupled with being less chance of causing allergic reactions like hydrocortisone-based creams (useful for people who have had issues using the former one).


Clotrimazole an antifungal cream might solve this situation if it’s excessive yeast build up.

Table showing different types of medications:

Medication STD Type
Antibiotics Gonorrhea/Chlamydia
Antivirals Herpes/Syphilis

Isn’t tables a blessing when you need concise information?

Start Practicing Safe Sex

Once cured from this excruciating experience its important for us to no longer bear witness instead be part of solution- Practice “safe sex” . Condoms are YOUR friend…they save you from another round/lackluster pun sandwich but also make sure prevention is..(a little?)bit easier as excitement may take over caution at times. This isn’t rocket science to ensure both parties involved are keeping safe and happy plus c’mon now they come in interesting flavors too ;).


To wrap things up treatment, prevention & awareness regarding sexually transmitted diseases should never be neglected; saying something only when already facing a problem is like a fire department arriving after the building has crumbled.

So if you’re ‘carrying’ something of aforementioned types down there or generally curious (basically everyone!), don’t be afraid to get checked out by professionals because they’ve literally seen it all and also always make use of protective performance enhancers…wait! different topic we meant protection- Condoms!

If this article was helpful, please feel free to suggest flavors which were interesting on our comments section below ;).

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