How to get rid of smokers cough after quitting?

So you finally did it, big whoop! You’ve quit smoking and are now seeing clearly for the first time in years. Congratulations! But what’s that ghastly noise? That deep rumble followed by a goose-like honk? It seems you’re not out of hot water yet – because smokers’ cough is still lingering around like a stale fart. Don’t worry though, we can help.

Background on smokers’ cough

Smokers’ Cough (coughingus addictus, if you will) is an unfortunate side effect from being married to the love-hate relationship that is smoking cigarettes. It occurs when chemicals irritate and inflame the lungs over time making it painful to breathe and difficult to take down those previously epic karaoke tunes.

Did you know: Long-term smokers often develop Bronchitis which enhances smokers’ cough symptoms by causing inflammation in the bronchial tubes!

The good news: Getting rid of Smoker’s Cough

The great part about having Smokers’ Cough after quitting smoking is that there are ways to ease its irritating grasp once and for all. So don’t throw yourself at Satan’s feet just yet (aka pick up another smoke), here are some tips!


Purchase or rent a humidifier (Only purchase one but we won’t judge!) This will help alleviate dryness in your throat caused by breathing situations such as air conditioning or dehumidifying heat during winter months.

Stay Hydrated

Water retains moisture helping maintain mucus levels while also acting as a natural lubricant, giving space within your dirty lil’ respiratory system so we can shovel cool fresh oxygen fairies into our beautiful pink lungs.

Important note: Coffee stimulates dehydration interfering with maintaining proper hydration levels, direct opposite of what we want! Only drink coffee if drastically needed (I know, I need a minute too).

Gargle with warm salt water

Gargling salty hot messes will help clear out bacteria and throat irritation by allowing the natural flow of mucus to be released into our nosy little tissue catcher (tissues that won’t turn into wet rags like those nasty paper towels). Squirt some lemon in there for added goodness!

Did you Know: Women are more likely to get Smokers’ Cough than men. This may be because they have smaller airways or because women metabolize nicotine at a faster rate.


Robitussin DM = Terrific cough syrup intended specifically for managing chest pain from coughing fits. There’s sugar involved so indulge in this while watching your favorite flicks on Netflix – AND without guilt!

Note: Always read the directions before medicating yourself or others, drugs can be tricky my friends.

Lifestyle Changes

Unfortunately, lifestyle changes must accompany these tips otherwise Smokers’ Cough symptoms may continue indefinitely (cue evil villainous music)

Exercise Regularly

As much as you might avoid physical exercise, take one for the team here and start integrating it back into your daily life. Cardiovascular training helps increase lung capacity which ultimately leads to healthier lungs (aww look at her go everyone!)

Diet Adjustments

Make healthy eating choices; adding enough fruits and vegetables packed full of vitamins A & E can assist you in battling smokers’ cough symptoms because “food is fuel baby”. Avoid dairy products such as milk containing casein protein which increases secretion production leading to congestion instead – LISTEN HERE LACTOSE-LOVERS THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT!

Herbal Tea Time!

Sage tea has been long known for its anti-inflammatory properties making it great against sore throats and inflammation – pop in a dollop of honey for flavor while enjoying your new, refinedish taste buds.

Did you know: Nicotine addictus is the catchy term affectionately given to smokers who are too hard-headed/committed/stupid to quit smoking cigarettes? Good thing you stopped at coughingus addictus!

The Bottom Line

While there may not be any full-proof method other than time to grasp it completely, these tips make great strides in helping ease Smokers’ Cough symptoms. So hang up that old Marlboro jacket and embrace the new hacks!

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