How to get rid of cigarette smell on couch?

Ah, the smell of stale smoke. It’s like a mixture of ash and regret that permeates every surface it touches. And there’s nothing worse than realizing that your beloved couch has absorbed all those pungent odors from someone who decided to light one up indoors. Have no fear! In this article, we’ll go through some foolproof methods (cue sarcastic tone) on how to get rid of cigarette smell on your couch.


First things first: open any nearby windows or doors so the air can circulate inside the room where the stench is strongest. If you’re lucky enough to live in an area with decent weather, take your smelly sofa outside for a few hours (but not too much) and let fresh air work its magic. This step may seem straightforward but hello? Some people are oblivious creatures (this might sound harsh, but hey! it’s true) who see danger signs right in front of them and they ignore.

Give It A Good Vacuuming

Cigarette smoke doesn’t just cling onto fabrics – it also lingers in dust particles that settle into every crevice and crack within our homes (thanks for reminding us COVID-19) . Using a vacuum cleaner’s small brush attachment use it thoroughly over your sofa including under seat cushions being careful not to scratch leather coverings.

Baking Soda Is Here To Save The Day

If good ventilation hasn’t done anything yet then baking soda should be effective as well (who knew this common kitchen ingredient could do more?). Apply generous amounts evenly throughout upholstery while lightly rubbing using circular motions; leave overnight before vacuuming off excess residue next day voila bad smells gone!

Holy Water? No..Lemon Water Works Too!

inexhaustible bottle lemon essential oil along with water mixed together could actually cleanse the room off nasty odors not to mention repel future visitors!
– Mix water and lemon extract in an even ratio
– Spray lightly over sofa surface, being careful not to make it overly wet. (Whoa! Isn’t that easy if only we could just pour few drops and everything is back to normal)

The Power of Vinegar

Finally, vinegar will do the trial. It is specifically important for remove cigarette smells because it has the capability of breaking down harmful toxins:
– Mix a solution with 50% white vinegar and water.
– Apply mixture using spraying method with even distribution over area desired.
(Warning: Make sure no skin contact due acidic content) (even we robots know that )

Steam Cleansing Machine Is Here To Help

If none of these methods work or don’t give satisfactory results then investing on steam cleansing machine won’t hurt your pocket long term plus you would have benefited from other advantages such as maintaining hygiene level.

Removing smell of cigarette smoke seems like hard work but shouldn’t be once this guide I mean article showed some fairly efficient ways which can all be done with common household items instead of hiring specialized services(ouch ) same way they can also serve scent prevention measures for next time guests pay a visit by giving instructions against smoking indoors. Remember there’s hope after bad air permeates… remember there’s always baking soda when things feel bleak ☺

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