How to get rid of cellulitis?

Are you dealing with the unsightly and painful condition known as cellulitis? Fear not, because there are plenty of ways to get rid of it! Here’s our ultimate guide on how to kick those pesky bumps to the curb.

What Exactly Is Cellulitis, Anyway?

First things first, let’s talk about what we’re dealing with. Cellulitis is a skin infection caused by bacteria that enters through an open wound or cut. It can also occur in individuals who have weakened immune systems or circulation issues. Symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, and warmth around the affected area.

Consult With Your Doctor

Before beginning any treatment plan for your cellulitis or attempting self-care remedies at home, make sure you consult with a medical professional first! While this article is meant as an informative tool only—always listen to your doctor’s advice when it comes to treating serious conditions like cellulitis!

Antibiotics Can Be A Game-Changer

If you’ve got full-blown cellulitis going on, antibiotics might be necessary. These powerful medications fight off bacterial infections and bring down inflammation at record speed. Make sure you take your prescription exactly as directed (even if it means setting hourly alarms on your phone). Typically antibiotics need 7-14 days duration depending upon severity levels.

Keep That Infected Area Clean & Protected

When grappling with cellulite (not the same thing!), ensuring that the infected spot remains clean and covered extensively goes a long way toward speeding up recovery time.
Here are some tips;
– Wash affected area daily using mild soap
– Apply antibiotic ointment over clean bandage / dressing
– Change dressings frequently If they become wet/torn; Always use fresh piece
Following these simple steps ensures no external filth gets into pores facilitating quicker relief from symptoms like itching, irritation

Don’t Neglect Those Painkillers Either!

While antibiotics are great for fighting off bacterial infections, believe us when we say you’re going to want some serious pain relief as well. Happily, over-the-counter options like ibuprofen or aspirin should work just fine.

Get Your Rest On

Nobody likes being forced into bed—but in the case of getting rid of cellulitis, taking time to rest up goes a long way toward speeding up healing processes!

Elevate The Affected Area Of your Body Above Heart To Bring Swelling Down

Lying down all day can be made productive if done with right technique.
Make sure that; While resting legs are elevated above chest line by at-least 10-15 inches
Doing so reduces puffiness giving cells enough space to let flow toxins out reducing edema (kinda how shaking leg turns banana preserve smooth again)

Hydration is Key MVP

Your body needs water more than ever during an infection like cellulitis- it assists in restoring lost fluids while filtering bacteria out via system regularity through urine.
Stay hydrated – aims for drinking minimum eight ounces ―8 cups a day!. Not counting soups, coffee , and tea (they count too!!)

What’s For Dinner?

Not only is avoiding high-fat foods vital due to skin sensitivity but particular nutrients boost immune systems battling inflammation from within. Load-up on these anti-inflammatory food items: ACV( Apple Cider Vinegar) which combat swelling inflammatory recipes including ginger turmeric & fatty fish varieties(plentiful omega-3s).

Foods aiming towards increasing collagen production would include blueberries nuts leafy green veggies along with citrus’s fruits enriched with Vitamin C& E combos-walnuts/pumpkin seeds yams offer more natural cures!

Mmm…mouth-watering not-so-Junk,Junk-food!!

Pro-Tip: Your immune system function is not to be taken lightly, focus on overall nutrition.


The key with cellulitis is to act fast and treat the symptoms as soon as they arise. Ensure the affected area(s) remain clean (cleaner than you’d keep your bedspread!) and secure while seeking medical advice from a qualified professional.

And while living in fear of anything ending with suffix ‘-itis’ might seem bad-at least now armed with knowledge for handling Cellulitis when it thanks you its absence. We hope we’ve covered enough ground that makes this challenging issue turn into an easy-peasy breeze!

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