How to get rid of a sinus infection without antibiotics?

Are you tired of dealing with sinus infections? Do the antibiotics make you feel like a lab rat? Fear not! There are alternative ways to treat your sinus infection. Here are 7 tips that will help you get rid of a sinus infection, naturally and painlessly.


Don’t underestimate the power of hydration. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is especially important when combating a sinus infection because it helps flush out excess mucus.

Steamy showers or hot compresses

Taking long enough steamy showers can help provide much-needed relief for your congested sinuses. Additionally, taking some warm compresses on and off while laying down can also provide comfort with this ailment.

Spicy foods

If you have taken spicy food before then most likely how they trigger runny nose and watering eyes due to capsaicin; This very same ingredient from jalapenos or cayenne peppers acts as natural decongestant potentially clearing up any nasal blockage in your respiratory system.

Saline rinse

Saltwater nose rinsing sounds painful but doing so provides instant treatment, irrigating any mucus trapped inside and keeping symptoms at bay.

To make this remedy:

1.First boil tap water foe almost five minutes (to kill bacteria)
2.Wait till cool enough then add salt (table spoon) into distilled/bottled water preferably sterile
3.Stir until salt dissolves then follow instructions on available saline kit or simply fill bottle fitted with bulb syringe/tube large enough to reach nostrils tilting slightly downwards inserting one end before squeezing solution slightly through other airstreams easing congestion

Fyi- Using tap-water straight-up is not safe since there may be bacterial risks if used without boiling first

Nasal irrigation using ginger root tea

To brew ginger tea use ginger that has already been grated as it helps enhance flavors. Studies reveal the root extract boosts immunity by strengthening chemical compounds of white blood cells called T-cells potentially fighting off any microbial infections in your system.

1.Grind some Ginger root into few pieces
2.Place them on pot and slowly bring to boil adding a preferred green tea bag for flavor (optional)
3.Wait till cool enough then pour out Tea using a strainer then add teaspoon or tablespoon of honey..
4.Fill bottle with bulb syringe/tube large enough to reach nostrils tilting slightly downwards inserting one end before squeezing solution slightly through other airstreams easing congestion

Get massages around nasal regions

One weird yet proven ancient Chinese remedy is Acupressure, which involves massaging certain key acupuncture zones around our faces earlobes several times daily helping us fight Sinusitis symptoms naturally.

How To massage your sinus points accurately:

1.Use gentle up-and-down tapping with two fingers the bottom side the under-eye area next to nose..Repeat this action at least eight times.
2.Apply pressure while rubbing both sides you’ll see indentations down towards nose from eyebrow arches.
3.Slightly press below cheekbones lay finger pads along each nostril rub gently in circular motion twice over.

Embrace spicy ingredients

It turns out many spices can boost metabolism which may help flush excess mucus trapped inside thus reducing inflammation providing relief. Garlic, oregano, and turmeric are three examples of great spices you should try incorporating into your meals more often.

With these tips available why endure more agony due to sickness? Start nursing yourself without antibiotics cause there’s certainly ain’t no need for poppin’ pills every time!

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