How to get back on track with diet and exercise?

Do you ever feel like your body is trying to tell you something? Maybe it’s saying, “Hey, remember when we used to eat vegetables?” or “I miss the days when we didn’t get winded walking up a flight of stairs.” Don’t worry. You’re not alone. And guess what? It’s never too late to start making healthier choices. Whether you fell off the wagon a long time ago, or just yesterday during that third slice of pizza (we’ve all been there), here are some tips on how to get back on track with diet and exercise, without taking things too seriously.

The Realization Phase

First things first: realizing that change is needed is half the battle. But don’t go jumping into anything too extreme right away – baby steps are key! Here are some ways you can ease yourself back in:

Take stock of your habits

Are chips constantly finding their way into your mouth while binge-watching Netflix? Are healthy meals rarely seen in your kitchen? Identify where exactly your diet/exercise pattern has gone astray by keeping a food/exercise diary for at least a week – this will allow you focus on areas that need improvement.

Talk it out

Who needs therapy when there’s always that one friend who loves doling out health advice whether its wanted or not? Confide in them about issues with sticking to routine etc., they may offer useful insight into methods they have had success using themselves.

The Plan-Making Phase

Now comes putting those realizations into action—creating actionable goals which aren’t impossible to reach; breaking larger objectives down allows everything else feet stability – elevating chances of seeing through changes till they become habit:

Be Specific

Deciding age-old vagueness such as “eat better” or “exercise more” won’t do us justice. Be intentional about what healthy behaviours you aim for.

Use The Plate Concept

The plate concept encourages servings of plant-based foods, proteins and some carbohydrates to establish healthier portions. This results in being mindful of meals regarding attributes similar to its balance between fruits and vegetables, adequate protein content etc.

The Execution Phase

This is the point when everything is now within your control so brace yourself! Here are some points that will nigh on ensure smooth-sailing:

Find A Routine That Works For You

Now comes the fun part: picking an exercise routine or diet plan which resonates well with our lifestyles. It tends to be simpler if it’s something we enjoy instead of forcing ourselves into things we don’t like doing.

Try New Things (Or old work-outs)

Keeping things interesting by trying new workouts usually make fitness routines not suffer from boredom-esque syndrome. Whether it’s a walk at sunrise/sunset daily, experimenting with yoga/cycling classes – Switching up exercise increases exitement levels & helps prevent leaving training regimens altogether

Be Realistic; Don’t Aim To Double Up Overnight
Ensure dietary/exercise changes are ones capable of becoming real habit by increasing intensity gradually – Overdoing change burns out quicker than sticking long term.

It is significant making sure goals remain sustainable – Complying until progress has been made. Incremental modifications over time turn daunting lifestyle shifts into habitual practice leading us staying consistent partnering maintenance towards continuous success throughout life journeys!

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