How to fix nasty toenails?

If you’re tired of your toenails resembling something that belongs in a horror movie, fear not! There are several ways to fix those nasty nails and have them looking salon-worthy.

Why Do Toenails Become Nasty?

Before we get into the solutions, let’s address the root cause. Toenail fungus is one of the leading culprits behind ugly toenails. This pesky infection causes yellowing, thickening, crumbling, and even detachment of the nail from its bed. Gross!

Other common reasons for nasty nails include:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Tight-fitting shoes
  • Aging
  • Trauma (like dropping something heavy on your toe)

1. Proper Foot Hygiene

It all starts with good foot hygiene! Ensure that you wash and dry your feet regularly – no skipping this step! Moisture breeds bacteria which can exacerbate an already bad situation.

Take heed:

  • Dry between toes after showering or swimming.
  • Barefoot in showers at public places? Don’t forget about flip flops!
  • Avoid sharing items like socks or towels with others who may have fungal infections themselves.

2. Use Antifungal Products

When it comes to treating fungal infections topically,antifungal creams are usually go-to’s.

Invest in some quality over-the-counter creams containing clotrimazole, miconazole nitrate terbinafine hydrochloride or non-prescription strength Griseofulvin tablets keep at bay misbehaving germs while helping reduce redness and inflammation around infected areas too!

Beware of Home Remedies

Making use of home remedies such as mixing vinegar with water or using tea tree oil directly on toenail may seem tempting but they aren’t scientifically proven safe way to cure fungi…and could make things worse by causing irritation.

Simply put, it’s better to use trusted treatments for a quick fungus fix.

3. Oral Medications

In some cases where creams or lotions don’t cut it, oral antifungal prescriptions may be necessary.To get started on this option you’d need to consult with a doctor.

The most popular of such medications includes terbinafine and fluconazole.

However, these options come with potentially hazardous side effects so always do your research before laying your paws on them.


Do not take if:

  • You have liver disease
  • On blood-thinning drugs
  • Pregnant
    -A kidney disorder
    -A heart rhythm disorder
    or Allergic to any medication of the sort

4. Herbal Remedies

Natural products involve fewer harmful chemicals than synthetic ones which makes herbal options an attractive alternative route for many to explore when faced with discolored toenails (Psst.. by no means I’m suggesting that this is more effective).
Herbal essences like tea tree oil, snakeroot extract can help fight nail infections at mild levels but rather slowly though – so keep that in mind.

Preparing tea tree Creamy Oil – Mix few drops of Tea Tree Essential Oils , add coconut oil (preferably warm) . then apply topically around infected area wait till dry .

But know too much isn’t healthy! Overdosing on natural remedies could be equally dangerous as taking prescription pills above the recommended dose limit prescribed by their manufacturers so stick within dosage limits even if essential oils seem harmless compared antibiotics!

5. Laser Treatment

Laser therapy has gained popularity amongst those seeking long-term solution without having to gulp down antibiotics several times will want to consider booking an appointment at a professional podiatrist office specializing in laser treatments after ruling out other available topical solutions since most insurances might not cover treatment involving lasers.Your findings may range from average price range of $300 – $800.

But what does it do?

  • It kills fungal spores
  • Stimulates new nail growth
    and voila…nicely looking nails.

The results may take months to develop due to the length of time required for a toenail grow out fully, so don’t lose hope halfway through!

6.Take Good Care Of Your Toes

Now that you’ve straightened up your heel’s act, keep in mind maintaining good grooming habits is essential.
Here are some ways to tend better to those twinkle toes:

  • Keep Toe-nails trimmed across the top and not too short at both ends where they begin digging into your skin
    Below is a composite diagram showing proper nail trimming position:

It’s advisable that toe-nail clippers be limited solely for toenails likewise keeping emery boards or pumice stones aside just use files intended specifically for toes.

A bi-monthly cautions checkup will go miles by making sure there aren’t any visible foot infections lurking around which if unnoticed could get worse with time forcing expensive trips down orthotic lane.


No longer should you dread slipping off your shoes that one more engagement because of terrible-looking toenails – help them out today and regain confidence!

From using anti-fungal creams when infections arise eyeing natural folk solutions like tea tree oil or laser treatments every two weeks| on Friday mornings; the choice is yours really as long as it suits well within prescribed dose limits thereby limiting risk factors involved each treatment option.Do you have additional tips? Share’em below!

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