How to fix a broken knuckle?

Getting a broken knuckle is funny… until you have one. Not only does it hurt but it could also affect your everyday activities, especially if you use your hands extensively. If you’re reading this article because you’re experiencing the same predicament, fret not! We’ve put together some helpful tips on how to fix that broken knuckle (with absolutely no warranty attached!).

Symptoms of a Broken Knuckle

First and foremost, before we talk about how to fix a broken knuckle, let’s discuss what symptoms come with having one:

  • Inability to move finger(s)
  • Swelling at the back of the hand or base of fingers
  • Bruising or discoloration in affected area
  • Sharp pain when moving hand or applying pressure on it
  • Deformity in shape/sudden change in appearance of bones connecting fingers

If these sound familiar after an accident then congratulations – you may now receive potential sympathy from fellow humans for the painful experience. But don’t worry too much; getting over something like this isn’t rocket science.

Step One: Take Action Immediately!

The first course of action is essential for preventing more damage than there already is (Warning: What comes next may seem dangerous and risky so tread lightly).

Relocate That Finger Joint!

Before heading to any hospital emergency room be sure to try relocating your affected finger joint Stop -unless accompanied by proper stability aid from someone trained-,so as not risking making things worse ;you might want do this reaction out yourself.Lay down a firm working surface which remain straight as possible.Securely hold both sides above and below(in case direction reorientation becomes necessary) firmly grab fixed position only . Pull quickly,but listen closely CRACK. At that point,don’t consider panicking yet ,close eyes ,breath calmly,be pleased that Your problem has been half way solved,and start imagining how good it will look after getting fixed.(Disregard just read from previous pointer if you don’t feel confident about self relocated bones naturally without medical help.)

Use Ice for Swelling

Ice has always been the go-to method of reducing swelling. Fill up an ice pack or preferably, a bag each with crushed ice.(or maybe some peas as replacement) Apply this to your painful finger for 15 minutes every hour until pain and swelling subsides.


Hey! what are you doing here?(signals ‘out’ meaning leave before reading on)But at least Pass Your Time Out Of Work Good.Fishing ,gardening,binge watching all that T.V show,unless injured hand is involuntarily included in the viewing habits – use using computer or phone(Face crying).not when there’s an important deadline from work – Mmmm kay?Anyway perk alert:Might as well take full advantage of having” broken knuckles” status–it’s extra special attention time.That “gangsta”one won’t do his handshake too hard no more and hey! might even appreciate a horse shoe game with You instead.Guaranteed fun .

Step Three: Buddy Taping

Perhaps we should move away from convivial communion,games bonding experience,hobbies creation lol(Stop laughing now),as now we have a serious issue at hand. Let us address what happens next. Buddy taping involves securing the broken finger to its neighbor (preferably any seemingly healthy digit around it)using strip adhesive tape.Just follow these steps:

  • First cut two strips of thanks-giving tape(approximately 5 inches in length)
  • Next straighten affected digit(s).
  • Then wrap one strip of tape over top-most part including both fingers.Stretch out another similarly fourth long adjacent wrap past bottom section of both fingers.
  • Lastly, pull lightly to secure tape.Excess wrapping helps avoid maintaining high pressure points.

Takeaway Learning Points

Breaking a knuckle is not as dramatic and forever lasting as it seems,it can be fixed; However, returning function back requires time and care.Don’t attempt hiking up a rough terrain with your pals anytime soon(as applied),get a good amount rest ,ice regularly ,buddy-tape if possible,take care of your treated finger whilst gently flexing upon recovery development(Monitor any progress) .Don’t forget,pampering never hurt anyone.

Just remember’A crack does not mean the end.’

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