How to file oval shape nails?

Oval shape nails are not just pretty and feminine, but they also elongate your fingers. However, filing oval shape nails can be quite tricky because you have to strike the right balance between maintaining their unique curves and keeping them from getting too sharp or fragile. Don’t worry; with a few tricks and techniques up your sleeve, nailing the perfect oval shaped nail is easy.

Understanding Your Nail Shape

The foundation of achieving perfectly filed ovals is knowing what type of nail shape you’re working with. Knowing this would inform how much work needs to be done so that it doesn’t drastically changes its natural curling propensity.

Identify Your Natural Nail Curve

Some people naturally have an oval-shaped nail bed while others tend towards more square or squoval shapes. To determine where on this spectrum your nails fall:
– Lay a piece of paper flat against your fingertip.
– Take note of where the edges of your nail plate come into contact with the paper.
– If both sides lie completely on top without any skin overlapping onto it then congratulations! You already have an oval shape!
– If one side overlaps slightly outside the curve laid by another edge then you may have rectangular in nature,calling Dr.SquarePants now.
– And “Girlfriend, You rock” if neither contact any part of paper!

Consider Your Bite Size

Of course referring here not on pizza slices! Depending on whether you bite/suck/chew/beak-on/ nibble etc your nails has important information about respecting protective layers like enamel (dear parents reading this I am doing my best ok)
If regularly biting habits led to a flattened tip which break off quickly (kinda looks jagged at times), shaping should aim for rounding out over curving again as length will remain short unless regrowth.(No shame in profession help for quitting I promise).

The Right Tools

Investing in the correct tools makes all the difference. When it comes to oval-shaped nails, you want a finer-grit nail file along with bottle of your favourite topcoat for added shine and durability.

Nail Files

The key is not going too abrasive because that will damage delicate edges! Skip those metal files folks! Instead look into purchasing foam core or glass-files, which have much gentler abrasiveness without needing extra gritting material (I hear mother nature breathing a sigh of relief). Otherwise opting manicure hand filler will work especially to avoid heat generated from friction caused by drilling tool.


Every now and then (Once every 6-8 weeks)take buffer pad to shear off uneven nail ridges (Nope, NADA here about RidgeFilling as yet)and finalize shape for some more refined cute Ovalness (Ovalocity?).

Cuticle Oil/Lotion

The last step nourishing cuticles where moisture can travel up the entire length leaving hydration also strengthens weaker tips!

How to File Oval Shape Nails?

If you are getting worried about what sort of direction do we go towards when filing let’s just tell you right now its circular or semi-circular motion; slowly-at steady pace- changing directions from edge-pointy side over long flat part near outline basically less curve period(are we clear on pedi lingo though folks?!)
Before beginning, ensure that your nails are entirely clean & dry( gotcha!). Slightly dirty surface happens roughs out area causing weak spots chipping/flakiness after filing.(Go ahead call me ManicuristKiller who knows better than unprofessional teens nagging, but it was necessary!)

Ensure each movement touches at least one tip of insides beside outlying point keeping “U” shape preserved nonetheless:
1. Make sure the file is perfectly horizontal
2. Make a stroke from one edge to center do not press or breathe on the nail, i told you clean and dry my friend
3. Repeat process for the remaining side
4.Without changing grip gently connect ends by making back and forth motions around top of your nails where edges meet.
(yay finally time to move fingers!)

Remember less pressure ,more attention to details would ensure that those oval-shapes are fit enough to be in your twitter profile picture!

Tips & Tricks

  • When filing is complete, check each nail individually as we do with laundry items; there should still an even U shape left (use magnifying glass I am looking at you).
  • Always start filing from outside area towards inner part regardless of finger choice.( better yet Your Highness should seek correspondence from NailsFileMaster recommending proper conduct)
  • File your nails every week or two because longer lengths become weaker without hydrating nor caring!( Plus Aren’t You[insert name] worth it!)
    QUICK TIP: “Using duct tape pulling off certain patterns against nails can indicate which areas are uneven/need strengthening”

Nailing It: Most Common ~Mistakes~ Opportunities

Knowing what NOT DOES help us prioritizing effort more efficiently right? So remember these don’ts:
1. Don’t go too harshly on filling too much too quickly (Can we say chipped plz)!
2. Do not Cut cuticles like crazy( Yes it produces inflamed redness situation so no tempting please )
3. Avoid sawing through delicate edges in straight motion(so unnatural sista!)and keep it always curvy(paths man paths<Curves!)
4.Do not use materials unfit for usage namely paper clip/pair scissors/sharp rocks(if considering sharpened crayons go see doc n crush impulsive creativity dreams)

By avoiding these classic blunders avoids longer recovery times because breaking does happens to look pretty dont hold up under daily activities like washing dishes, typing etc!


You should now know all there is to filing an oval shape nail thanks to this comprehensive guide. Remember: invest in the right tools, take things slowly, and focus on keeping those delicate curves as you shear off rough edges. In no time at all, you’ll be showing off your perfectly filed ovals with pride(note down tricks!).

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