How to elevate legs above heart?

You know what’s worse than a bad boss or an annoying colleague? It’s probably swollen, achy legs. And if you’re one of those lucky people who have experienced this torture, then boy do I empathize with you! But fret not my friend, because in this article we’re going to be discussing the ultimate solution to your leg problems: elevating your legs above heart level.

The What and Why of Leg Elevation

If you aren’t familiar with the concept already (and that would just be plain odd), leg elevation is simply about raising your legs above heart level. Yes, it might sound like a weird yoga posture or some obscure medical practice made up by NASA scientists back in 1972; but trust me, it really works wonders for your body.

So why elevate your legs anyway? Well for starters it helps improve circulation which leads to decreased inflammation and swelling in the limbs – meaning no more sausage-looking toes after hours of sitting down at work. It also relieves pressure off veins that could otherwise cause blood clots.

Tip: Next time someone tells you “well duh!” when explaining what leg elevation is all about, respond by saying “you must be fun at parties”.

Gear Up For That Perfect Elevation Setup

Now before we go into how exactly to go about elevating those pins – let’s make sure you’ve got everything set up correctly!

Here are a few things that will help ensure maximum comfort while getting those feet sky high:

  1. A comfy surface
  2. Some pillows/cushions
  3. Something low and sturdy enough to place on top so as not ankle twist (this writer practically sweats bullets whenever they see anyone tripping over).
  4. A lounge chair or couch (because nobody wants numb-butt)
  5. Optional Eye mask/ Ear plugs/ Champagne flute to really set the mood.

Now that you’ve got all your materials in place, let’s go over how to properly elevate those legs of yours!

The Elevate-Your-Legs Tutorial

Here are a few steps that’ll help you perfect your leg elevation game:

  1. Find yourself an incline where you can lay down and comfortably rest without fear of falling off.
  2. Place some cushion or soft surface beneath for added comfort
  3. Lie flat on your back with feet at right angles.
  4. Gently lift up one leg (using hands as support) till calf/heel touch top of elevated structure and hold it there (use pillows/cushions as support).
  5. Repeat with other leg

For added value, relax body muscles as much as possible even if feeling like being eaten alive by mosquitos (we cannot exactly recommend this happening but we will not judge).

Tip: If finding the right lifting angle seems daunting – start gradually from lower heights and work high up each day till desired height is reached e.g bed level > chair level > tabletop height.

What Not To Do When Lifting Your Legs Above Heart Level

So proudly sitting crossed-legged while “leg-elevating” might sound like multitasking gold – don’t do it! It doesn’t actually contribute anything significantly positive towards elevating those tired legs; instead, holding posture over time could result in further inflammation issues thanks to blood circulation blockages (this writer strictly advises against the use of cross-legged position when attempting any kind of stretching).

It’s also important NOT to overstress ankle joint areas whilst attempting lifts (sprains are quite frankly low-key traumatic). Keeping them relaxed during the process should avoid unnecessary injuries or discomfort post-leg-lift session.

Benefits Of Elevated Leg Positioning For Women During Pregnancy

Ladies listen up! If ever there was convincing evidence that three quarters of women are doomed to suffer through pregnancy leg pains, it’s the fact that the term “mom legs” exists. But don’t worry you mamas-to-be – we gotchu!

Elevating those swollen and sometimes painful legs could:

  • Increase circulation
  • Allow kidneys work a better chance against gravitational resistance
  • Help minimize varicose veins

And if all else fails during pregnancy, just lie down flat on your back with temporary relief from overall body stress (But always be careful not to fall deep asleep in this position).

Other Benefits Of Leg Elevation

Alright so maybe you aren’t pregnant or even experiencing awful feet pain but hey! Here are some other fantastic benefits for practicing proper elevation:

  1. Relieve joint pressure
  2. Improve post-workout recovery times (will have more time for Netflix).
  3. Cut swelling in injured parts thereby reducing pain levels
  4. Minimize dizziness and light-headedness brought about by low blood pressures.

Fun Fact: A lesser-known benefit is due to air travel prompting muscle stiffness i.e ‘cankles’ syndrome; so next time waiting for board call at an airport lounge whip out these tips and tell somebody Gary-from-accounting style-every-prominent-point-of-course

Possible Risks/Precautions To Take When Elevating Legs Above Heart

Like everything we do as humans, there are precautions to take into account before going full-on “leg-up” parties like seizing control off road trip stops as long as grass patches available;

-Consult doctor first especially after surgery or critical medical conditions where certain bodily pauses discouraged.

'Before trying anything new outside prescribed guidance always seek appropriate professional assistance'.

Avoid elevations above heights that make comfortable breathing difficult

 ' You know what doesn’t go well together? Hyperventilation & relaxing leg-lifts.'

Do not elevate legs for extended periods of time

 'As soon as feeling uncomfortably or numb, abandon leg elevation sessions and seek medical guidance'

Final Words (That sentence that reminds you we’re wrapping up)

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, a comprehensive guide on the how’s and why’s for lifting your feet higher than ever before. Remember: anything overdone is not good; moderation will always be key to achieving results in whatever you attempt.

So get comfy with the materials stated above (and no Gary-from-accounting hard selling) alongside stretchy tights/pants type finishes, kick back positions on chairs/couches then raise these limbs till heaven himself looks down appreciatively; ‘cos from now on deep vein thrombosis ain’t got nothing’ (that’s right)# Haters Gonna Hate / Movers gonna lift their legs

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