How to cure high rbc count?

Are you feeling like a superhero with your high red blood cell (RBC) count? Well, hold on there Hercules! Having too many RBCs can cause complications that even the best cape-wearing crusader would want to avoid. Too much of something is never good – except maybe for pizza or wine. So, how do you cure high RBC count without letting go of those scrumptious pizzas and divine wines?

What is High RBC Count Anyway?

Hold your horses folks, let’s first understand what high RBC count means before we dive into ways to cure it. Red blood cells are cellular components present in our bloodstream that help transport oxygen from our lungs to different parts of the body. If your body has too many red blood cells floating around in the bloodstream than required, this condition is called polycythemia vera.

So, why does this happen? There can be multiple reasons leading up to an increase in the number of red blood cells. It could be due to genetic factors or smoking or even living at higher altitudes where there’s less oxygen!

Wait! Less Oxygen Makes You Produce More Blood Cells?! Mind Blowing!

Why should I Care About My High RBC Count?

Having excessive red blood make enemies out of your veins because thicker-than-usual viscosity/higher resistance ends up blocking a whole buncha vessels leading straight towards a heart attack or stroke if left unchecked; hence thwacking that over-active factory-pipe-manufacturing -the-cells producing mechanism will prove beneficial.

But don’t fret superhero fanatics; giving up tights isn’t necessary yet.

Here’s what you need:

1. Get Some Blood Spilt: Let it Bleed Baby!

Okay, we mean donate-not-condone deliberately injuring yourself just so some fluid gushes out. Regular blood donation helps bring red cell count down, however this benefitis only temporary. Did you know that you could donate up to 1 pint of blood every 8 weeks not just for the funsies but also to do some good?

2. Hydrate or Die-drate!

Drink water all day-everyday! Ensuring adequate hydration prevents your body from creating more RBC as circulation easily becomes alkaline in contrast with acidic fibroblasts blood content by drawing excess fluid into intracellular space; tissues and organs get ample oxygen contributing efficiently through healthier transportation compared to over-mouisterised plasma-congested-form making ketchup move better than clumpy viscous goo.

3. Exercise More Actually!

Getting fit isn’t necessary, consistent physical activity is vital though.Reducing sedentary behavior assists dilution aiding decongestion by softening the viscosity causing heart-attacks and strokes.A nicely “bloodflowy” system leads towards required fluidity while considerably maintaining a well-functioning healthy cardiovascular risk-free machine!

Seeking Professional Help

You can consult professionals like hematologists who specialize in dealing with disorders related to blood cells andiagnose Polycythemia vera through lab workup suchas complete blood count (CBC), reticulocytecount etc., confirming diagnosis requiring upfront treatment’s like phlebotomized removal initially meeting one unit per week decreasing as soon ideal hemoglobin range achieved within symptoms managementtherapy initiating aspirin medication promptly consumption starting at low doses prevented side-effects potential reoccurrences complication minimization minimising probabilityof becoming anemic.Wait patiently;results take time.

Final Thoughts

Well lads, thats it! A funny guide on how one can cure high RBC count.Remember;pizza,wine,a little exercise plus donating some drops is what we need.Hydration will never let usdown either.Finally, ifprofessional recommendations are required, go ahead and book an appointment with speciality Hematologists today!

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