How to check your eye power?

Are you tired of vague eyesight and blurry vision? Are you wondering if it’s time for a new prescription or just another cup of coffee? Fear not, dear reader. This humorous guide will walk you through the steps necessary to check your eye power and regain visual clarity.

Why Bother Checking Your Eye Power?

You may be tempted to skip this step entirely; after all, who has time for doctor appointments and measuring tapes when there are memes to scroll through? However, checking your eye power is essential for several reasons:

  • Optimal Vision: Wearing the right prescription glasses or contact lenses can improve your outlook on life – quite literally.
  • Preventing Permanent Damage: Ignoring problems with your vision can lead to permanent damage over time – think of all the things you’ll miss out on if you’re unable to see them properly!
  • Saving Money: Optometrists aren’t cheap, but neither is replacing expensive eyewear every few months because you didn’t bother getting an accurate prescription.

So grab some coffee (or whatever beverage sustains you), put on some comfy reading clothes which allow good ventilation wink wink , and let’s get started!

The Snellen Chart Hack: Measuring Distance Visual Acuity

The Snellen chart hack isn’t exactly a hack in itself but its application varies based on whether one needs corrective measures. It’s basically that big chart at the optometry clinic full of capital letters in decreasing size.

Note: If by any chance any visit from Karen will disrupt this process kindly advise her where it hurts using words like “I-don’t-have-time-for-your-inquiring-nature” or “interference detected” followed by running off (Jokes apart)bolded texts indicate sarcasm

  1. Position yourself approximately 6 meters away from the chart
  2. Cover your left eye. What is the smallest row of letters you can read with your right eye? Reminder: squinting, cheating and peekaboo aren’t allowed.
  3. Repeat these steps, covering your right eye instead.

Calculating Your Results

Your results will be expressed numerically as a fraction, with 20/20 indicating normal or “perfect” vision (meaning that you can see objects clearly from 20 feet away – note that this isn’t necessary for daily life). The top number represents the distance between you and the chart; in this case, it’s 6 meters or about 19 feet. The bottom number indicates how far away someone with normal eyesight would have to stand to see the same line of text.

So if you scored at 10/20, then congratulations! You’ve got superhero-like vision… but only when things are halfway across a standard-sized room.

The important part now begins- Carry out this test again after enjoying Karen’s company just so everyone knows what matters more: good accuracy or good friends?

Near Vision Testing using Jaeger Chart

While we all know who Jaeger is;the Jaeger chart differs from Snellen chart mainly due to varying fonts used but all things said…it serves its purpose.

1.Position yourself roughly around 15 inches (~40 centimeters)(remember our friend Charles Xavier?)away from the Jaeger reading chart
2.Hold whatever corrective lenses assistance over one eye while attempting this test and cover other.
3.Close one eye while touching down on some fine prints on magazines(newspaper even!). This could include anything ranging aniridia……that-does-not-exist! All hail google dictionary!

Ok real stuff:
These line consist of texts varying letter sizes starting bigger than snellen till much much worse grinning. Find which amongst these strains gives no pun intended(maybe)

Calculating The Score

Near vision tests are scored based on the last line of text that you can read clearly. It’s not uncommon for people to require reading glasses or magnifying lenses as they age, so don’t worry if you don’t score perfectly.

If your eyesight is really good then no need for glasses(unless too stylish to resist), congrats once again! But if it appears from results otherwise:
1.How often do facepalms have to occur because one couldn’t quite distinguish between Happy and Harry?
2.How many times did boss think abc was written instead of xyz?

Color Vision Testing using Ishihara Charts

As much fun as drawing rainbows and color wheels may sound, that’s not what we’re after today(truly saddening I know). The Ishihara chart is an effective way to test whether someone has any difficulties distinguishing colors- resulting in them denying existence of salmon(kidding!).

Fun Fact : Catching moths at night seems easy till realized a moth sees 5 times more light than humans(due to their abundance of light-sensitive cells).

Carrying Out the Test

This “chart” consists of several images made up solely(see what I did there?)of colored dots. One number will be embedded within these dots,enjoy!

To check this optical ability:
1.Focus only on images’ center
2.Textbook Answer: Select the page with cloud numbers but fun answer.. just guess randomly (but document everything like:
70% chance; saw nothing ; possibly blind).
3.Compare with answers provided-which either leads one out in bright sunshine due typos(hahaha)or..
Congratulations! Your eyes work better than United States Postal Service letter-sorting machines.

Additional Tools & Tricks

While the previously mentioned tests are the most common ways eye doctors measure eye power, here are some other tools/tricks one should consider:

Pinhole Testing

Simply inactivity of the muscles responsible for clear imagery affects our vision. Pinhole testing can detect such issues.

1.Hold a piece of unwrapped chocolate (or any object approximately 3 mm) with holes punched through it up to one eye
2.Looking at an object around five meters away, notice how sharp or blurry it appears through the pinholes as compared to looking without them

If there’s been significant improvement then congratulations! You found your optical superhero costume….. just kidding ,visiting a qualified Optometrist will be advisable.

Eye-tracking technologies

This technology has given even computers(and subsequently their users agitating neck movements) sleepless nights. This technique helps analyse if concentration is incorrect; suggesting focusing alternatives and actions required…saving you from screen-view burnouts.

Be sure not to track UFOs instead (not like they exist lol).

Suffer From Dry Eyes?

Years of technological advances have made screen-time an inseparable part of life(especially due Covid-19 breakout times). However, screens also lead to dry eyes which impair our visual abilities.(ouch!) Here are some tips in tackling this issue:

  • Take short breaks frequently: blink exclusively for these span ranging between finger counting records..yeah we deal nothing but life-filled action over here!
  • Restorative measures: Warm compresses leading upto bath goals O Naye Oh wait !
    But warm cloth kept onto closed eyelids does soothes well enough(trust us).
  • Reconsider Screen Time: I know its tough when that TV remote lies so close yet unreachable…
  • Artificial Tears : Hydration,is important except maybe ham sandwiches.


Remember, checking your eye power doesn’t have to be a chore. With the right tools and techniques, it can even be somewhat entertaining (A-I dont-believe-you-Turner)…Alright; fine,maybe not exactly fun-like being poked by needles-but holding onto one’s dreams(adventure as we call it)…but none the less, necessary. By keeping regular tabs on your visual capabilities (especially in times where Eye contact is non existent), you can ensure that you’re always seeing the world exactly as it is- and maybe even discovering little details like ants camping out at 3am(ya want a zoom-In?).

Here’s hoping this guide came through for an overworked brain…or eyes or whatever – cheers!

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