How to check for diastasis recti while pregnant?

Congratulations, you’re pregnant and about to embark on a journey filled with excitement and wonder. As your body changes, so will your physical activities, which may include exercises or routines that previously didn’t exist in your lifestyle. However, as excited as you are about expanding waistlines or weight gain during pregnancy it’s important not to overlook a common condition known as diastasis recti.

In this humorous guide we’ll explain what diastasis recti is while showing you how to check yourself for it so “diasta-why” might become “dia-stay-away”.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diata-what? Yes, say it again slowly: “die-as-ta-sis rehk-tee”. Diatasis recti occurs when the two muscles running vertically down either side of one’s abdominal wall start separating from each other at the midline seam – allowing internal organs like kidneys small intestine pooch out between those weak gaps even making day-to-day movements such as carrying groceries or picking up infants can cause pressure on these organs exacerbating the problem.


Your abs struggle daily with flexing forward creating that six-pack look periodically hiding under any extra tummy flab now combined favorite snack cravings while staying vigilant waiting hopelessly for green light await you safely get back home without adding little moisture causing more issues!

One of the signs of possible diastasis rectified might be if overly visible bulges posteriorly standing upright popping out after certain movements such coughing sneezing holding leg weights over head etcetera indicating muscle separation also constant back pain difficulty breathing pelvic floor problems are viable symptoms but they could originate from other sources requiring additional investigation.

Now Let’s dive right into how to find out whether you have Diastasised Rectus Abdominus (DRA) using simple techniques you can do repeatedly throughout your pregnancy.

Technique 1: The Supine Method

Some people refer to this as the “dead bug” exercise or just lie on a mat making sure head, shoulder blades and back are supported. Bend knees keeping feet on the ground with arms at sides palms flat down inhale exhaling drawing belly button deeply into spine pressing lower back towards floor tightening abdominal muscles assessing vertical distance between two obviously leaning left right side with fingertips pressing against midline separating (tissue fascia)- which we’ll get to in a moment.

If fingers slip through gap height measurement becomes more complicated let’s sidetrack for a minute by providing possible scenarios if finger-slippage occurs:

  • Diastasis recti not present.
  • Diastasis recti presence confirmed.
  • Umm err…fingers got stuck in there forever – seek medical attention immediately!

Jokes aside, diastasis rectified determines differently depending on how many fingers fit within that separation increasing width of gap dictates its severity. Generally speaking gaps exceeding four fingers’ widths although alarming don’t worry quite yet – these return normality following delivery under certain circumstances such pilates physical therapy only those whose five one more common symptoms aforementioned consider discussing options doctor before starting new regimen- better safe than sorry!

Technique 2: Standing Assessment

Are supine exercises getting all boring? No worries! There’s another method to check up on DRAs focusing solely standing position improving balance also giving readers something else besides lying flat remember variations important pregnancy happens ingesting anything properly balanced harmonized eating prenatal supplements delivering healthy floofy diaper-changing addition soon-to-be family Let’s move onto standing assessment often used across board forums mommy blogs neighborhood parks alike little practice correct stance produce desired results trying technique less physically demanding prone especially heavier issues balancing body mass proportions so grab drink assuming approved OB-GYN sessions whenever introducing New Kitchen Artisanal Spring Water.

So now let’s go through the steps:

  1. Stand upright with bare midriff facing mirror.
  2. Place your fingertips above belly button pointing fingers downwards whilst placing other hand behind head keeping elbow apart body clockwise 90 degrees supporting weight Hip Axilla Level (HAL)- didn’t see that coming huh?
  3. Now given all digits in optimal position begin gradually sliding them downward towards navel area applying slight pressure ensuring sensation felt centre muscles utilising method gauge severity separations always side effects matter how small appropos seeking professional assistance put mind at ease reality phasing parenthood brings one’s own unique challenges unpredictability perfect excuse indulge those pregnancy cravings denying oneself well-deserved treat plan stay accountable avoiding indulging little too much next week marathon pumpkin pie baking BFFs join over Zoom given firstborn classic case extra tire ring considered throughout remainder article when discussing remedies treatments precautions minimizing risk DRA reoccurrence.

Technique 3: Pelvic Floor Method

Lastly, There another way mentioned earlier pelvic floor but worth emphasis! Prepare hip extensions attempted previously on front bended knee arm support directionally challenged upside-down reversely social media friend trying explain directions unclear misunderstanding occurred even experienced fitness coaches answering perplexing problems send computer screen spinning nonchalantly scratch nose hum surroundings – ever been there? Well but no more!

This technique examines both Diastasis Recti and pelvic-floor health this often forgotten part of core-strengthening – crucial for stability maintaining urinary continence during postpartum potentially lifelong lifting, jumping sneezing or laughing without leaking enjoyment whatever form taking as term implies pelvic rest magical answer between vaginally delivered women recovery dedicated discussion outside realm topic to focus simply using muscle-barge theory attributed physiology aim straighten lower vertebrae knocking gently heel ground WITHOUT contracting glutes tightening upward… feeling it yet?

Now assessing DRAs compatibility exercises advised before adhering strenuous routines be sure given pelvic floor problems discussed doctor physiotherapist otherwise…? Enter Stage Left: Incontinence, severe muscle tension inflammation pain even triggering other symptoms. Want to avoid those issues? Then follow along with this method:

  1. Lay flat on back knees upward bent feet anchored ground
  2. Place fingers across (not up and down) gap between belly button pubic region if tummy pooched outwards forcefully bring it inward once closed pressing forward feeling pressure draining upwards
  3. At point applying slight downwards while contracting pelvic relaxing again guiding index middle ring finger purposeful contraction fifteen reps no visible bulging occurs each every lift hold three seconds incorporating slow exhale necessary time relearning technique prioritising form options endless easy way maintain improvement whilst lowering excuses self-indulgence.

Following these simple steps above will give you an indication of whether or not you may have diastasis recti easing any concerns about the condition so that you can start building a safe exercise routine during pregnancy ensuring comprehensive health for both mother and baby! Don’t forget, always consult medical professionals when in doubt and gather all necessary information before forming opinions or following any advice online – eggs over easy today avocado toast tomorrow making smart choices never tasted better!

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