How to change sanitary napkin?

Sanitary napkins are essential products that every woman needs to use at some point in her life. Changing sanitary napkins is a regular practice for menstrual hygiene. However, not everyone knows the correct way of doing it, and sometimes even experienced users can make mistakes.

In this guide, we will give you all the information you need about how to change your sanitary napkin correctly, quickly and without any discomforts.

Why Changing Sanitary Napkins Is Important?

A menstrual period requires constant attention and care from women. The risk of bacterial infection increases if one does not uphold hygiene during menstruation. It also enhances odour and can lead to skin irritation or rashes which are unbearable (trust me!)

Therefore changing your pad regularly is crucial in providing protection against bacteria growth along with keeping proper control over its smells.The duration differs between people but usually should be done every 4-6 hours (especially on heavy-flow days)!

Step by Step Guide on How To Change Your Sanitary Napkin

Here is how you can change your sanitary napkin step-by-step:

1) Find a restroom

To begin with ,find yourself an appropriate restoom where you have access to water supply and no audience.

2) Gather necessary supplies

A fresh pack of sanitary pads (Winged or Non-winged)
Wet Wipes or tissue papers
(optional🤷‍♀️!safe than sorry though 😉)

3) Wash Hands Thoroughly

Before starting the process put into account these simple rules.Wash hands , be hygienic as germs 💩can jeopardize our bodies during periods .

4) Remove The Used Pad 🚫 ❌ ✋🏻

The next part involves removal of used pad . First, you have to grab the pad from its bottom corners and pull it downwards using one hand. Don’t forget to keep a hold of those strings!

Once the dirty pad is out, wrap it in a used paper (Never flush down menstrual products as they can clog the pipes). Drop them in the trash-can provided.

5) Cleanse The Area 😃

Clean your genital area thoroughly with clean water .Wipe gently so as not to hurt or irritate yourself🙅‍♀️. Follow up by using wet wipes/paper for comprehensive cleaning

6) Unwrap And Position New Pad💆🏻‍♀️

Unwrap your new sanitary napkin with care ,and join together any wings that are present.Thereafter positioning should be done centrally facing towards the front and extended towards back

  1. Repeat As Needed! 🔁

Remember to keep changing pads every few hours depending on heaviness of flow.When sleeping at night too extra effort needsto put into ensuring all areas remain hygienic during periods.Throughout,the process continue washing hands ensure your body stays free from bacteria 🦠

Advantages of Changing Sanitary Pads Often

Sanitary Napkins are substitutes which tend to greater risk if proper attention given.Most women fear embarrassment associated with menstruation period but don’t let this prevent you from properly taking careof yourself!!Here’s why:
It prevents accumulation of odour.
There’s reduced chance carrying germs and infecting oneself,having rashes😔or other unthinkable health problems.
Elopment oozing provides peace-of-mind saving us constant worry about leakage!?!

Tips For Choosing Appropriate Sanitary Pads

Nowadays there has been an increase in brands manufacturing sanitary pads,and thus finding appropriate ones a little overwhelming Here some tips when deciding :
• The heaviness of your flow generally corresponds to the thicknesses i.e. heavier flows,thick pads
• Evaluate whether or not you want a winged-pads for additional grip
Choose cotton based sanitary products as they are hypoallergenic and don’t cause discomfort.

Changing Sanitary Napkins is an essential practice which should be done regularly to maintain menstrual hygiene.enabling us perform our daily🧑‍🦱and professional duties whilst staying comfortable during difficult times.
All it takes is some efforts particularly ensuring right positing or adequate changing duration,luckily with this comprehensive guide,ladies can confidently tackle any situation that comes their way towards proper period care 🎉.

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