How to care for sunburn blisters?

Summer is here, and you know what that means – it’s time to break out the sunscreen, shades, and sombrero. However, despite our best efforts to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays (or failing to do so), sunburns are often an inevitable reality of summer. If you find yourself with painful and unsightly blisters as a result of a nasty sunburn, fear not! In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about caring for those pesky blisters.

What Exactly Are Sunburn Blisters?

Sunburn results from too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted by the sun. When your skin can’t handle all that radiation like a champ, it becomes inflamed and burns – ouch! Areas of your skin affected by extended or intense burning may blister. That’s right folks; these tiny water balloons on your burned flesh are in fact called “blisters.” They range in size but contain clear liquid surrounded by red (sometimes even purplish) skin coloration.

Should I Pop My Sunburn Blisters?

It can be tempting just to take a sterilized needle and poke away at your newly-found liquid buddies for immediate relief/pleasure/gross-out factor/whatever-you’re-into-thingy-story/etc… But before doing such things, please hold up!

Several considerations come into play when considering whether popping blisters seems appropriate:

Potential Risks

Popping blisters risks infection because you breach essential “first-line” defenses/protection against infections/microorganisms per se present on external surfaces). Nasty bacteria could joyride their way into your opened blister and cause problems/bigger inflammations than currently experienced/coulda avoided altogether had ya not popped ’em relatively small fluids-filled sacs.


Leaving the blister intact can maximize protection over an already damaged area. The liquid acting as a natural buffer and aid with wound-healing/aiding-cool-down/healing-aids they are.


It’s bound to hurt like absolute hell if you puncture them/ Self-inflictation/harm is not recommended, my friends- regardless of whether you say you’re good at it or have a pleasant “high-pain tolerance.”

How Can I Care for Sunburn Blisters Naturally?

Several key things should be done when caring for sunburn blisters.

  1. Drink lots of water! Hydration from within helps heal/reparation external skin damages caused by excessive UV exposure.
  2. Keep your skin cool: Place cold compresses on the affected areas several times per day to minimize inflammation and reduce pain/discomfort.
  3. Avoid tight clothing/particular fabrics: Let that skin breathe! Loose-fitting cotton clothes allow air circulation/respiration, minimizing irritation/potential further damage/full-on discomfort against fragile burn zones/blisters alike.
  4. Stay outta that nasty ol’ sunshine: When practical/common sense/environmental awareness/duty advise so (Uh Huh – y’all know what I’m talking about!)
  5. Utilize Aloe vera gel, an age-old staple, which could make all the difference when soothing these painful blisters/damaged dermis layers
  6. And Finally!!!!!! Use Over-the-counter topical hydrocortisone cream after consulting other health professionals/specialists/store attendants./helpful-enough-related-adults-that-knew-in-part.

We believe prevention is better than cure/rather-not-get-sunburnt-in-the-first-place-you-know? Here are some tips on avoiding sunburn:

Keep Out of the Sun As Much As Possible

You should aim to limit sun exposure during the hottest parts of the day (between 11am and 3pm). Healthy, shady trees or umbrellas can serve as a go-to when requiring breakaway from direct sunlight exposure.

Wear Suitable Clothing

Sun shirts/rash guards and longer swim bottoms keep skin covered and offer adequate sun protection. Hey, Miss Sunshine – hats/UV-blocking sunglasses help shade your face.

Use Sunscreen

That’s why sunscreen was invented! We think it pretty much protects skin against cancer-causing ultraviolet rays potentially coming into contact with our bodies than not-totally-sure-and-sciencey-words here. Choose quality products/top-rated brands-factor at least +/-30 SPF to be on safe side

Final Thoughts

And that concludes our comprehensive guide on dealing with those pesky sunburn blisters naturally. Remember folks; we need to show our precious skins some love in this summer sunshine season!/Do good things for yer dermis!

Disclaimer: Some people may have adverse effects/allergies when using Aloe Vera gel, so do test patch beforehand.
Note: These suggestions are considering mild cases of blisters caused by regular/situational exposure I.e., water activities/outdoor hikes/misguidedly falling asleep under a palm tree after only popping outside quickly… if y’all seriously burnt-heavy wounds/bigger-than-blisters injuries ->seek more intensive medical attention.

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