How to bust a cyst?

Cysts can be quite uncomfortable and unsightly, particularly when they are located in visible areas such as the face or back. If you have ever had one before, I’m sure you understand first-hand how much of a nuisance these little guys can be. Don’t worry though; with the right approach, busting them is actually not that difficult! In this article, we’ll explore some tips on how to get rid of cysts for good without having to take any invasive measures.

Let’s Define What Exactly Is A Cyst

Before we dive into strategies to remove cysts effectively, let’s ensure that everyone here understands what exactly a cyst is. The scientific definition of it goes like this: “a sac-like pocket filled with fluid or other soft material in the body.” But hey! Simpler explanation? Think about it as zits’ older (>18) cousins who are bigger but less rowdy.

So What Causes These Annoying Creatures?

Most frequently, cysts form when skin cells trap oil and debris within hair follicles – this leads to an inflamed mass under the surface known as closed comedones (fancy word alert!). Several factors might trigger cyst formation:

  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Genetics
  • Exposure to harsh chemicals or irritants
  • Certain medical conditions such as Folliculitis

Now let’s move forward towards our objective – ‘How To Bust Them?’

1) Microneedling Therapy

While microneedling may sound intimidating (needles = scary), don’t fret just yet because its results are excellent!
Microneedling therapy creates tiny punctures via its needles through your topmost layers of skin which then triggers collagen growth woohoo. With enhanced collagen production comes more flawless-looking skin AND improved texture altogether;this aids in curing those stubborn acne scars too!

2) Clay Masks

Clay masks are a budget-friendly beauty hack to get rid of cysts at home. One can apply it as a thin layer over the whole face or directly on areas with more noticeable cyst formation. Some excellent ingredients for creating homemade clay masks include bentonite, green tea extract, and baking soda, which are all known to help decrease excess oil production.

πŸ”œ How-to: Mix 3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar & Bentonite Clay in equal quantities along with some water then apply this magic mix wherever needed – leave it off until you feel like taking selfies again! Trust me that will take away every ounce of inflammation one has ever experienced 😊

Tip: Although these recipes have no side-effects other than stinging sensation caused by ACV after applying(avoiding application near eyes and sensitive area recommended), just do a patch test first!

3) Over The Counter Options

Many non-prescriptive options for treating irritated cysts exist! As we mentioned earlier, hormones play an important role; hence usage of birth control pills tends to stabilize hormonal levels & reduce acne breakouts too.
An acne-fighting ingredient salicylic acid helps exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog pores acting as both prevetive + curative measure.
Apart from this – Benzoyl peroxide (found readily at local drugstores maybe?) works wonders drying up inflamed pimples/cysts overnight as well!

✐ Remember skincare isn’t always about harsh chemicals; sometimes simple methods do wonders!☺

4) Dermatological Expertise (Yes You Heard That Right!)

Finally, if none but experts have been effective so far? Consult your dermatologist right away because though rare sometimes the extra harmless lump might turn out not-so-harmless-after-all cancerous growth πŸ™
Your physician might suggest many diverse medical ways such as laser therapy where light/radiation rays are utilized to treat skin ailments.

Wrapping It Up

Cysts can indeed be challenging to deal with, but fortunately busting them is not an impossible feat. So whether you’re opting for micro needling, clay masks or over-the-counter options – there’s certainly no shortage of DIY methods available! If it seems too big a hurdle and nothing works out? In that case please seek the best medical advice your health demands & follow religiously as prescribed πŸ˜‰

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