How to apply oxy bleach on face video?

Are you tired of your skin looking dull and lifeless? Do you want to brighten up your complexion without breaking the bank or harming your skin’s natural balance? Look no further because oxy bleach is here to save the day! In this article, we will delve into everything you need to know about how to apply oxy bleach on face video. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some serious skincare knowledge!

What is Oxy Bleach?

First things first – what exactly is oxy bleach? Well, it’s a type of bleaching agent that uses oxygen molecules instead of dangerous chemicals like ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. This makes it much gentler on the skin while still providing powerful whitening results.

Oxy bleach typically comes in two parts – a powder activator and a cream base. When mixed together, they create a foamy paste that can be easily applied onto any part of the body.

Why Use Oxy Bleach?

So why bother with using an oxy bleach product at all? The answer lies in its unique benefits:

  • Brightens up your complexion
  • Evens out discolored patches
  • Removes dead skin cells and impurities
  • Softens fine lines and wrinkles
  • Suitable for all skin types

With these advantages in mind, it’s no wonder so many people have turned to oxy bleach as their go-to solution for achieving radiant-looking skin.

Before You Begin…

Before diving straight into applying oxy bleach onto your face, there are several steps one must take to ensure safety and comfort throughout the process.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

To begin with,you’ll need:

  • An oxy bleach kit (consisting of powder activator + cream base)
  • Mixing bowl
  • Brush/spatula applicator
  • Water
  • Gentle facial cleanser
  • Moisturizer

Make sure to read the instructions on your specific oxy bleach kit before assembling your materials.

Step 2: Prep Your Skin

Before applying any skincare product, it’s crucial to prepare your skin properly. Here are some ways you can do so:

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser
  • Exfoliate gently using circular motions
  • Pat dry with a clean towel
  • Apply moisturizer or serum onto damp skin

This will ensure that any makeup, dirt, and oil is removed from the surface of the skin and left looking fresh and renewed.

How to Apply Oxy Bleach on Face Video

Finally – we’ve reached the most exciting part! It’s time for an in-depth look at how to apply oxy bleach on face video. Follow these simple steps for best results:

Step 1: Mix Up Your Formula

Take out the powder activator and cream base from your oxy bleach kit. Measure out two spoonfuls (provided) of each into a mixing bowl. Using an applicator brush/spatula provided or fingertips mix well until smooth paste like consistency achieved.

Step 2: Time To Test!

It’s always better to test patch of mixture behind ear or elbow crease before moving ahead on wider area just in case as everyone has different sensitivity levels when it comes to products usage.

Step 3: Start Applying evenly all-over The Face Video Tutorial

Assuming there were no signs of irritation during patch testing proceed mask application ontoface avoiding delicate areas around eyes, eyebrows, lips etc.Avoiding Sun exposure while treatment advisable.Applythe mixed formula immediately after preparing it since waiting longer may weaken its effect.Use flat brush picks up enough agentand applyon everyparts section-by-section Startapplicationwithcheeks,nose,jaw&forehead ending lastly onto chin & near neck scrubbing until lather formed(spreading evenly mask onto face).

Step 4:The Finishing Touches

Leave theformulaontoface for at least 15-20 minutes,keeping a close eye on it to avoid over-exposure. If any sort of stimulation or unbearable sensation felt then wipeoff the formula immediately .Once done wash off with lukewarm water & Pat dry.For achieving smoother skin apply moisturizer after it gets absorb in nicely.

Tips and Tricks for Oxy Bleach Success

If you want to get the most out of your oxy bleach experience, here are some helpful tips:

  • Choose an oxy bleach kit that’s suitable for your skin type
  • Don’t leave oxy bleach on your face for too long
  • Always perform a patch test before applying
  • Avoid going under direct sunlight during application time.
  • Do not use anyone else’s stained spatula brush from left outs as usage can transfer germs resulting into rashes,pigmentations etc.

By keeping these pointers in mind,you’ll be well on your way to brighter and healthier looking skin!


So there you have it – everything you need to know about how to apply oxy bleach on face video like a pro! With its gentle yet effective formula, you’re sure to fall madly in love with this life-changing solution. Just ensure that preparatory steps are taken diligently without skipping which further acts as barrier between successful result & unfortunate outcomes.Watch yourself become unrecognizably radiant – just don’t forget to share photos afterwards!

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