How to apply colloidal silver topically?

Colloidal silver is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. It is now becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional antibiotics due to the side effects of drugs.

When applied topically, colloidal silver can provide numerous benefits such as treating skin infections, acne, and wounds. However, it is essential to understand how to apply colloidal silver correctly.

In this guide, we will discuss how you can use colloidal silver on your skin effectively.

Understanding Colloidal Silver

Before applying colloidal silver topically, it’s crucial to understand what it is and how it works.

Colloidal silver contains small particles of pure silver suspended in liquid. These tiny particles are effective bacteria killers because they have a positive charge that attracts negatively charged bacteria cells leading them towards collapse. This property makes colloidal silver an excellent antibiotic and antifungal substitute with reduced toxicity risks than synthetic pharmaceuticals.

Additionally,it doesn’t affect friendly bacteria present in our bodies; therefore won’t create any microbial imbalance.

Benefits of Applying Colloidal Silver Topically

The advantages are vast from using colloids Topical Gel both emollients-like mixed bases or sprays.

Here’s a list:
– Treating Skin Infections
– Healing Wounds Quickly
– Can be Used Against Acne/Ezema/Psoriasis/Fungal Diseases
– Natural Disinfectant
– Supporting Faster Cellular Repair Rate

Dealing With Skin Issues Using Colloidonial Silvers:

Acne Treatment :\
At times oil glands acquire bacterial infection leading towards chronic inflammations these cause pimples sores deep painful ones which leave marks once healed thus leaving scars making one look like someone who survived kryptonite tearing squad where scars keep serving proof stamps like Visa credit cards.By incorporating colloidal silver gel, this can speed up the repair and reduce scarring effects that these pimples may have caused.

Skin issues cause discomfort ,where persistent itching scaling or cracking occurs thus affecting self confidence.
Over time colloidal silver therapy over long periods will lead to healing as it suppresses inflamations which generally create rashes.

According to puristsay with a 35% strength of colloidal silver one is good enough to use for topical treatment ensuring no bacterial or fungal growth epidemics take place.Most importantly Having an antiseptic like Colloidal Silver spray/wound dressing when handling tasks i.e cooking,knife works& gym activities
that put you at risk of sustaining wound injuries can be convenient.

Consistency is key so pump up your regimen when addins homemade ointments,lotion,bath salts&specific serums.

Different Ways You Can Apply Colloidal Silver On Your Skin

The most common ways people apply colloidal silver include spraying, dabbing, bandaging & pouring on affected area:

Below are steps on how different forms are applicable :


This method requires that you purchase a pre-made spray bottle of colloidal silver. The application process entails;

  1. Clean and dry the affected area
  2. Shake bottle for even proportion o liquid consistency,
  3. From 6-10 inches away aim the nozzle towards infected region spritzing disinfectant heading over unbroken skin surface areas;
    4.Apply twice daily until observed changes occur in form of reduced inflammation .


Dabbing method allows direct affection towards concentration zones’ particularly small-pimple outbreaks.Below are Steps :

1.Cleanse unwanted soils/objects utilizing lukewarm water.&bar soap if preferred
2.Dip cotton wool by soaking it into sterilization fluid leaving it wet with enough liquid.
3.On the affected spot press cotton wool gently\
4. Let air dry allowing time for active ingredient to soak in then store rest of the solution


This method is particularly suited to wounds, burns as well injury scenarios risking bacterial exposure.

Below are steps on how this could be achieved:

1.Clean wound or burn
2.Ensure you bag a fresh sterilized gauze
3.Drizzle colloidal Silver onto gauze until it drips above equilibrium stage.,
4.Place dripping soaked padding directly over or around wounded area depending on extent,quickly fix/cover with adhesive tape \
Bandages should absorb excess body fluid which sips through where serious cases require precautionary replacements every couple hours

Pouring On Affected Area

Note: This requires caution since colloidal silver looks like normal water

The procedure involved when applying by pouring;

1.Wash hands beforehand ensuring they’re free from dirt and odors,
2.Separate cotton ball/pad,
3.Soak pad completely/fully drip
4.Hold pad pressing down envelopment weakly dabbing surface area ,
5.For good measure hold that apparatus further upto 10-minutes and let air dry

A Few Safety Precautions To Consider When Applying Colloidal Silver Topically

Although it’s rare, some people may have allergic reactions towards healed colloids thus exhibiting itchiness redness and hives.

Infants below two years shouldn’t handle direct oral administration; check for signs delayed speech,Tremors & seizures might not relate but watch out always.The directive is avoid altogether.:

It’s important that anyone wishing to try treatments using silver colloid fluids purchase from renowned suppliers since cheap brands may contain inferior ingredients putting your skin at risk .Doctors advise checking consistency concentrations are rightly upheld ; look out for pre-mixed portions branding powder mixes into solutions without appropriate lab monitoring/ regulation before usage.

## Conclusion

Colloidal silver is an excellent natural antifungal and antibiotic alternative used towards boosting the immune system along with being a go-to rememdy towards skin ailments.Together the application methods are wide-ranging; listen closely to your body cues whenever applying colloids topically .Above mentioned procedures should be executed diligently ensuring consistency allows you to experience healing benefits faster.Whilst considering everyone is unique it’s imperative we establish consultation time with relevant medical personnel when required.Enjoy this antimicrobial liquid and love your new glowingly silky smooth appearance .

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