How often to wake up with a concussion?

If you’ve ever suffered from a concussion, then you know that it can be an extremely painful experience. Whether it was caused by a blow to the head or some other type of traumatic event, concussions are no laughing matter. One question that many people have is: how often should I wake up if I’ve suffered from a concussion? In this article, we’ll explore the answer to that question and much more.

What is a Concussion?

Before we dive into our main topic, let’s start with the basics: what exactly is a concussion? A concussion refers to an injury in which there’s trauma or bruising to the brain as well as changes in mental status.

Some common signs and symptoms of concussions include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion

While most people recover fully within weeks or months after experiencing this condition, others aren’t so lucky. That being said, If you suffer from frequent headaches or blurred vision for several days after suffering from your concussion,you may need medical attentionto ensure proper healing.

How Often Should You Wake Up After Suffering From A Concussion?

The age-old recommendation for waking someone who has suffered a possible head injury was every two hours during sleep and observe them accordingly. However increasingly evidence supports prevention of overstimulating cognitive activities post-concussive episode events because they might complicate issues already present.

So how often should one wake up if they’ve had a concussion? The truthful response: it depends on your individual circumstances!

Doctors will tell patients when awakened every 2 hours unless otherwise specified by their physician such as those who are bed-ridden individuals recuperating at home. If these instructions were neglected there could be potential hazards associated like blood pressure fluctuations among other things according to experts (note).

Tips on Improving Your Sleep Quality While Recovering from a Concussion

Getting quality sleep while recovering from a concussion is crucial. When you sleep, your body has an opportunity to heal and restore itself naturally! Here are some tips that may help improve your overall sleep patterns:

  • Keep the room dark: light can hinder melatonin production; hence keeping the ambiance in total darkness will aid proper hormone secretion
  • Reduce Noise pollution: Use earplugs or soft music for minimizing unwanted ambient noise generating interference of sound waves in brainwaves during stage 3.
  • Take Advantage of Relaxation Techniques: Meditation, visualization exercises or deep breathing methods help calm racing thoughts ameliorating symptoms facilitating better slumbering when concussed.

Additionally, they recommend avoiding drugs/alcohol consumption until complete recovery because these not only alter cognition temporarily but usage also exacerbate conditions which need to be left unbothered whilst subject recuperates (note).

How Long Does It Take for Symptoms to Clear Up After A Concussion?

Symptoms following head trauma vary case-by-case basis. While most people recover within weeks to months after their injury occurs, others require several months or even years before fully healing physically and mentally.( note)

The amount of time it takes someone’s symptoms clear up depends significantly upon factors such as age health status how severe the concussion was compared with other factors possibly contributing. Age plays an essential role factor because younger brains develop more rapidly than maturing brains meaning injury effects sustained multiple hits higher chances delay recovery period (source)!


In conclusion, if you’ve suffered from a concussion specific instructions ought taking heed ensuring optimal healing timelines achieved whilst correct measures taken like ; adequate rest followed sleeping regeneration supported by right conjunctive nutrient intake; is necessary.Sleep prescriptions suggested mostly dependant case-to-case basis leaving doctors final say-so otherwise.Remember each person’s situation varies thus seeking medical advice always the best course of action.

Thanks for reading! Stay safe & take care of your heads!

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