How much turmeric do you take for arthritis?

Arthritis is one of the most common chronic conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. It affects the joints and causes immense pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies available that can help alleviate these symptoms to some extent.

One such remedy is turmeric, a spice frequently used in South Asian cuisine that has been revered as an anti-inflammatory agent for centuries. Curcuminoids, active ingredients present in Turmeric have demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory capacity that may aid patients experiencing osteoarthritis by reducing inflammation and discomfort associated with it (1).

But just how much Turmeric should someone consume to get rid of their arthritis? Let’s find out!

What is Arthritis?

At first glance ‘Arthritis’ looks like it’s spelled incorrectly but unfortunately its not! The name Arth- means joint while -itis stands for inflammation. Thus; “arthritis” simply refers to joint inflammation or swelling which leads to severe pain in the affected regions (2)

There are multiple types of arthritis known either caused due to age-related changes or other health disorders. The most common forms include:


This form arises due to mechanical wear on joints over time leading to gradual degeneration causing hip pain or knee pain mainly seen during old age.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This type could arise at any stage starting from childhood adversely affecting every single by generating excruciating pain even though they may seem completely fine otherwise (3)!

Psoriatic Arthritis

People suffering this condition face the risk of worsening skin disorder atop their painful joints resulting in evident deformities given time if left untreated.

While consuming any amount of turmeric won’t cure a patient entirely but with proper care taken under medical professional oversight along alongside holistic therapy approach including taking supplements might elevate recovery chances pretty well (4).

How Does Turmeric Help Arthritis?

Turmeric is one of the most popular Ayurvedic spices globally, and for a good reason. The active agent found in turmeric, Curcuminoids have shown to possess exceptional anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in reducing swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis (5). Several studies also suggest that it may reduce symptoms like pain and stiffness caused due to Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid arthritis while improving their daily routine activities substantially for some people by easing discomfort caused (6).

However, given its various health benefits curcumin (the main active compound of turmeric) only accounts for 2-8 percent of dried turmeric powder(7), which means someone has to consume quite significant amounts of turmeric powder or supplements containing concentrated doses of curcumin if they wish a higher chance to benefit from it

The question arises: how much do you need to take?

Recommended Dosage

Studies show different dosage ranges proposed keeping in mind an individual patient’s age group, healthcare requirements, other ailments(if any) alongside body weight should be considered beforehand recommended dosages ensures maximum recovery chances out there. Here are the suggested intake quantities according to various researches:

Research Sources Intake Quantity Suugestion
Arthritis Foundation (8) Between 500 mg -1500mg/day
Healthline (9) 500 milligrams (mg) up three times per day
Medical News Today (10) 1-3 grams per day

These variations could be alarming so before including this spice as part of your regular diet plan connecting with medical professionals would be qualified advice regarding correct consumable dosage helping attain optimal effectiveness against joint swelling disorders.

One must keep remember that unlike commercial medicines; turmeric is never meant to replace medical treatment. However, if one does choose to add Turmeric in their daily routine, then it’s essential to check its interaction with the patient’s current medications (11).


Although Turmeric helps improve health and wellbeing remarkably well, over consumption could result in various side effects such as:

  • Stomach upset (indigestion)
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness/drowsiness
    Homemade turmeric supplements should be avoided by patients experiencing specific ailments involving bleeding disorders or on been prescribed blood-thinning medication altogether without consultation end up increasing chances of bruising /irritability/cramping inside digestive tract due to excessive intake of curcuminoids might increase overall clotting factor drastically

Moreover, pregnant women must avoid consuming more than sufficient dosages since distinct amounts pose harm rather than benefiting mothers and babies concerning chronic inflammation relief proven all across notable researches conducted last decade alone (12).

Also noteworthy; May cause gastrointestinal problems among some people taking higher doses which would lead associated acidity levels amplified situation proving stressor tasks for stomach acid processing resulting adverse reactions right inside digestive system worsening inflammation only during times like these.

Turmeric can indubitably offer that comfort amidst slow downward discomfort odds raising prevalent given time among patients struggling profound swollen painful joints/forcing them into restricted movement patterns entirely affecting their lives! With enough care taken alongside supplement dose monitoring from qualified healthcare practitioners certain quantity ranges as suggested above users may notice a significant upgrade in pain management furthering better joint mobility helping accomplish those necessary everyday tasks again easier ultimately improving emotional well-being sooner than later! Shake a leg spice things up today!!

So when was the last time you experienced noticeable pain relief using Turmeric? Let us know down below!.

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