How much should a 13 year old exercise?

As parents or guardians, we all want our children to be healthy and active. But how much exercise is enough for a thirteen-year-old? It’s important to keep in mind that the amount of physical activity required depends on many factors such as gender, overall health status, and lifestyle habits like diet choices. In this article, we’ll walk you through some guidelines on how much exercise is recommended specifically for thirteen-year-olds.

What Are the Benefits of Exercising at Age 13?

Before diving into the specific recommendations for thirteen-year-olds’ physical activity levels let’s first take note of why regular exercising may provide an array of benefits:

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased muscle strength and coordination
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Boosted self-confidence

So with all these positives effects just waiting around the corner ¿ what are we waiting for?!

Guidelines: Physical Activity Levels

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends children between the ages of 6–17 engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day! Everyday?! ¡Que loco! Here are more details below to make sure your child (or you? perhaps?) doesn’t fall short on their daily quota:

Aerobic Activities:

Thirty minutes per day minimum –– This includes activities that get kids breathing heavy & heart pumping but don’t require definition-freak muscles which include any form/variety of walking/jogging/riding crazy circles i.e bike riding/dancing/sports/etc.

Muscle-Strengthening Activities

Three times per week minimum – This type involves working out multiple muscle groups including major arm/front leg/back/butt/tummy areas by doing super cool things such as pushups/lunges/(uhmm not sure about exercises actually).

Bone-strengthening Activities

At least three times per week – These types would help to build a better version of oneself and reduce the risk of bone-related injuries such as fractures. These activities include jumping rope/running/skipping/hopping around like little rabbits/random cartwheels/etc.

Too Busy for 30 Minutes?

Let’s face it, finding time for just about anything can be tough in today’s world. It is recommended that children engage in one hour or more per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity that gets them sweating from their forehead down to their toes altogether!

How Much Exercise Depends on Each Kid

Each child has a different level of fitness and overall wellness, so consult your pediatrician before determining any specific plans! In addition to age, gender should also be taken into consideration because boys tend to have more muscle mass than girls; therefore, they require more energy bursts without overexertion /getting all swollen (good types)/ & and recovery time post-workouts.

Additionally, other physical activities could contribute towards overall endurance levels including everyday sports participation or activities such as swimming/biking/hula-hopping/jumping-rope with friends etc…

Last but not least – pay attention! If certain ‘warning signs are popping up such as experiencing pain during exercising/lightheadedness/trouble breathing/post-exercise fatigue this signals an intensity overload alert requiring you dial back adjustments immediately!


Remember there are plenty non-traditional options available when structuring an exercise routine at home/work/parks/highly-vascular-great-spaces-personal closets (think ‘Yoga-Moves-To-Try-In-Claustrophobic-Spaces’) etc..the list goes on! Here are some additional tips:

  1. Make working out FUNNNN…or at least distract yourself enough until it becomes fun i.e Crank up music playlists/check out Tik Tok vids mid-routine/Netflix series binges while doing tedious treadmilling is a favorite
  2. Incorporate the whole FAMILY into fitness!Perhaps some of these workouts could become family traditions – from family dance-offs/front yard open-air track-n-field to even sporting matching outfits 🤳
  3. Keep your expectations reasonable and don’t expect drastic overnight results (it’s not going to happen). Take baby steps towards improvement than trying to become ‘the next big thing’ overnight… Rome wasn’t built in a day, was it?

So keep calm & exercise on amigos/as — regardless of age, gender or physical shape there are multiple health gains from regular exercising that will reflect both internally/externally in our lives!

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