How much probiotic should you take when on antibiotics?

You’ve started taking antibiotics but heard about probiotics and you’re wondering, “How much should I take?” Fear not! We have the answers to all your questions.

Understanding Antibiotics

Before we dive into “how much” of anything, let’s first understand what antibiotics do. Antibiotics are drugs used to eliminate harmful bacteria in our bodies that cause infections. These medication work by slowing down or eliminating bacterial growth.

While they can be life-saving and help us recover from various health issues, these meds also come with side effects. Antibiotic treatment reduces both bad and good bacteria in your body – including the ones that keep your gut healthy!

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are microorganisms recognized for their health benefits- scientific evidence suggests several strains of probiotic bacteria support gut health amongst other things (I know right, who knew!).

Defined as “live microbial food ingredients which when eaten in adequate amounts confer a nutrition benefit on the host”, probiotics are found mostly within yoghurts/kombuchas/microalgae/sauerkraut & pickled veggies.

They enhance an individual’s intestinal microbiome (the community of ecological species within one’s gastrointestinal tract) & assist processing fibres/maintaining balance.

Now onto how much of this stuff should one eat whilst concurrently consuming antibiotics:

The Science behind Dosage:

Our verdict: There is no perfect answer as everyone’s needs differ dependent upon age/diet/reasons for antibiotic prescription – however its generally considered safe to consume between 1-10 billion colony forming units(CFUs) daily (source).

Many people start taking a course of health supplements during their medicine intake periods yet may not actually require them and still maintain strong immune systems through enriched natural diets consisting regularly fermented foods such as kimchi,Dosa, kefir and more!

  • CFUs is an abbreviation for Colony-forming units; this unit counts the number of active microorganisms that are capable of multiplying.

Factors Determining Dosage:

Several factors determine the dosage to take when using probiotics as a supplement:


Typically, those aged two years old and above can consume supplements comfortably.

Newborns – Would need to directly consult with health professional before taking such substances.

Its worth noting many mums will consume or advocate infants’ consumption of formula/milk containing supplemental microbes products (source).

Health Issues

Various medical conditions also influence the amount and type taken by individuals. Some illnesses require specific strains in high amounts whilst others should be avoided entirely/slightly consumed:

  • Diets low in dietary fibres.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • High cholesterol levels etc.

Test receiving recommendations via your GP if you suffer from any chronic/acute illness(es) currently.

Reason for Antibiotic Intake

Another factor includes the reasons behind antibiotic administration. For some health issues, it’s okay to take probiotics alongside antibiotics. However…

Types Of Antibiotics:

This brings us onto determining which antibiotics one takes & how long they’ll be on this course for (more useful information).

Probiotics aren’t recommended while taking certain heavy-duty antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin or Clindamycin as they decrease their effectiveness -( yet consultation with medical experts may still prove beneficial.) Furthermore measures could include spacing both courses out; so hours between med doses would differ from times when consuming supplementation.

Crazy-we know!

( Used in treatment against numerous infections including pneumonia.)

( Most common prescribed medication mainly used against skin/staphylococcal bacteria induced infections)

An analogy I thought up – Think about milkshakes& donuts (our favorite meal combo here at Altenative-Facts cafe) – In the case of our gut, Hefty antibiotics are like taking a powerful milkshake that obliterates all bacteria- both detrimental and advantageous.

Probiotics could be seen in this analogy as the sweet doughnut containing some small form of helpful bacteria struggling against these considerable microscopic waves though not quite full on massacre.

But I promise you an hour after taking 10 strains & 50 billion CFUs variety of probiotics,along with my personally curated immune boost regimen( consisting mainly vegan smoothies loaded spirulina), I’m feeling absolutely invincible.

How Long Should You Take Probiotics?

The duration of antibiotic treatment varies depending on numerous factors including age/type but most treatments last between five to ten days depending upon whether it is for general hygiene or chronic illnesses.

As a general rule during antibiotic courses ,it would be sensible consume multiple colony forming units(CFUs) daily producing substances such as acidophilus/bifidobacterium(lactis/infantis)/lactobacillus reuteri bifido prebiotic supplement pickled goodness (known by many other names.) every day up until either 2 weeks following such treatment or just slightly beyond prescribing periods.

Summing It Up:

Whilst there’s no one answer to cover everyone’s consumption volume/duration demographic- happy global reports surrounding probiotic benefit than ever before due new data regarding what microorganisms aid with specific physiological functions!

To wrap up; consuming live cultures makes sense generally- try from vibrant flecked toppings atop crunchy sourdough toast plus saurkraut/pickles/a little supplemental help if resources/meat stocks alone don’t provide optimal GI progress.

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