How much msm should i take?

Are you the kind of person who is always worrying about your health? From what you eat to how much sleep you get, do you constantly evaluate every single aspect of your life to ensure that it contributes positively to your well-being? If yes, then one question that might have come across your mind at some point is: “How much MSM should I take?” Well, wonder no more because this article will give you everything you need to know.

What Is MSM?

Before we dive into answering the main question, let’s first define what MSM is. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a sulfur-containing compound naturally found in certain types of food such as green vegetables and fruits. It can also be produced synthetically in laboratories for dietary supplements.

Despite being a relatively new supplement on the market, there has been growing interest among the public due to its potential health benefits. Here are some reasons why people take them:

  • Relief from joint pain
  • Better skin health
  • Reduced inflammation

Now that you know briefly what MSM is let’s move into the juicy part; how much should one take?

Recommended Dosage

The truth is that there isn’t an established official recommendation on how much MSM one should consume per day. However, given that supplementation with pure and concentrated sources still requires further investigation before establishing ideal dosages,it’s crucial to check out for any side effects while starting with smaller doses initially.

Here are different recommendations available over various websites:

RDA Not defined
Megadoses >5g/day
Medscape 0.5 – 6 g/d
OSU 2-6g /d

It may seem like quite a range but don’t worry , let’s take a look at the common rules of thumb and recommendations.

  • Start with 1 gram per day and gradually increase your dosage
  • If you are otherwise healthy, try to stick to doses below 6 grams per day
  • Should only exceed the recommended amount on occasional days under special conditions

Factors that Influence Dosage

Just like every person has unique needs when it comes to food intake or physical activity, taking MSM can also depend on various factors. Here are several key considerations:

Body Weight/Size

Generally speaking, a larger individual will require more significant amounts of MSM compared to a smaller one due to their body weight difference. So, after you established your ideal dose, it’s best not to share it with others without consulting a medical practitioner first.

Purpose for Supplement in-take

The reason why someone is taking MSM could influence how much they should take daily. Those using them mostly for minor joint pain relief may need lower levels than those addressing long-term skin health issues.

Individual Health Status

If an individual struggles with health problems such as inflammation or bowel syndrome , this would likely impact their required dose as well -higher dosages might be necessary compared to someone who hasn’t had underlying health complications before.

Side Effects of Taking Too Much MSM

While some people believe that consuming excessive amounts of vitamins and supplements won’t cause harm since these compounds occur naturally within our bodies—one must still remain cautious! Even if there isn’t enough data suggesting normal reactions from high doses of MSM supplementation but concerning any typical additive mannerisms while supplementing always consults experts’ advice regarding uncertain side effects within your diet prescription:

Here are few possible adverse effects:

  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue/headache

Remember: Avoid taking large quantities over extended periods!

What Format Is Best?

MSM can come in various consumption formats, including powder, tablets and capsules with each has its benefits.


Powder can be added digitally to smoothies or mixed in water regularly as it gives you flexibility while incorporating the needed dosage into your daily nutritional routine.


Using capsules (pill-like form) is still an excellent choice if a high dose is required. It’s common for those wishing to stay away from adding extra supplements into their diet containing fillers, binding agents and preservatives that may interfere with possible allergies to certain compounds used within them.


There are no solidified recommendations regarding MSM supplementation that guarantees safe usage without consulting an expert in this sphere. Several factors could play key roles determining whether someone needs higher or lower doses – body weight/size, health status, underlying health complications like inflammation syndrome/adrenal burnout etc.

It’s always best to start small then work upwards till reaching optimal levels avoiding symptoms of gastritis issues linked with high dosages!Make sure also ,that whichever format suits you well (powder/capsule), make sure it contains good ingredients devoid of artificial additives/harmful ingredients guaranteeing safety consumption all times!

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