How much is rogaine at cvs?

Do you ever feel like you need a little help in the hair department? Have you tried all the shampoos, conditioners, and treatments out there with no luck? Fear not my friend because I bring to you the wonder drug that is Rogaine!

But before we go any further into how much it costs at CVS, let’s first understand what exactly Rogaine does.

What is Rogaine?

Rogaine, also known as minoxidil, is a medication used to treat male and female pattern baldness. It comes in both foam and solution forms that are applied directly to the scalp once or twice daily.

Sounds pretty simple right? Well, the science behind it is actually quite interesting. Minoxidil was initially used as an oral medication for high blood pressure but was discovered to have hair growing properties when patients started sprouting new hairs. The topical formulation of minoxidil then came about specifically for this purpose.

Now that we know what it does let’s get down to brass tacks – how much does it cost at CVS?

The Cost Of Rogaine

When talking about pricing for medications some factors play a role such as:

  • Formulation
  • Size
  • Amount needed per application/day
  • Brand vs generic

All these variables apply to Rogaine so let’s explore them together!

Foam Vs Solution

First off there are two formulations: foam and solution. Both work equally well but some prefer one over the other due mainly because of convenience.

Product Price
Foam 3 ct. $43.99
Solution 2 oz. $34.49
Foam 4 ct. $52.49
Solution 2 oz. $30.49


The size of the package also plays a part in pricing. Larger packages might be better value for money but at times can also up the initial cost.

Here are some prices for different sizes of Rogaine Solutions:

Product Price
Rogaine 2 oz $34.49
Rogaine 3×2 oz $67.99
Rogaine 4×2 oz $91.99

Note – this is only applicable to solutions and pricing does vary with foam formulations

Amount Needed Per Application/Day

How much product you need to use per application or day directly impacts how long a bottle will last, hence affecting its value.

Below is an example based on recommended dosage:

Rogaine Men’s Foam

Each application requires half a capful (1mL) to cover the balding areas on your scalp, which means that every single bottle has approximately two months’ supply as it contains sixty applications.

To see results you must commit to using minoxidil twice daily^. Each order comprises three cans with each lasting around one month when used consistently in accordance with instructions.

Brand vs Generic: Does It Matter?

Now let’s talk about something we all love… Saving MONEY!

We’ve established that there are two formulations and multiple size options of Rogaine available at CVS but what about generic versions? Do they exist?

Yes! Many pharmacy chains carry their own line of topical hair loss products containing minoxidil same as Rogain but at more affordable rates.

Let’s have a look how they compare:

Table showing the cost difference between brand and generic man and women’s solution:

Product Brand Generic
Minoxidil Men’s Solution 2 Oz $34.49 $27.00
Minoxidil Women’s Solution, 2 OZ $30.49 $24.39

Before you make your next purchase, do a little research to find out what options are available at CVS.

Final Thoughts: Is It Worth The Cost?

Now that we’ve explored the different factors affecting Rogaine’s pricing let me leave you with this question – is it worth the expense?

Minoxidil has been clinically approved by both FDA (Federal and Drug Administration) and Health Canada for use in stimulating hair growth.In conclusion,since Minoxodil delivers what it promises, it can be seen as an investment like any other product which if performs as advised is worth investing into given its long term results outweigh the cost.

But keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to medications so don’t view minoxidil as some miracle cure-the effectiveness varies from person-to-person.

Ultimately I would advise speaking with your doctor or dermatologist before using any kind of hair loss treatment!

Just a friendly reminder,because,a bald person could warn another about Rogain but only when haIs enough hair left over them!

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