How much does adhd medication cost?

Are you tired of constantly losing your keys, misplacing your phone, and never being able to focus on a single task for more than two minutes? Have you ever wondered if ADHD medication can help improve your life – and how much it’ll cost you? Well have no fear! We’ve put together the ultimate guide to ADHD medication costs just for you!

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (also known as “Squirrel!!” Syndrome), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 7-8% of school-aged children and roughly 5% of adults worldwide. It’s characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility, forgetfulness… Basically every symptom I face when trying to write this article.

While some people do manage their ADHD without prescription medication, others rely on stimulants and other medications prescribed by their doctors. But with so many different factors affecting the price of ADHD medication in today’s market – what are the actual numbers?

Types of ADHD Medications

There are various types of medications used in treating attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorder family which include:

Stimulant Medications

Stimulant medications are one treatment option for individuals with attention-deficit/haiperactivity disorders including:

  • Amphetamines (not methamphetamines)
  • Methylphenidates
  • Lisdexamfetamine

These drugs work by increasing dopamine levels in the brain which helps increase feelings of alertness and mental concentration while suppressing distractive impulses.

Non-Stimulant Treatments

Non-stimulant treatments typically fall into three categories namely:

  1. Alpha-agonists
  2. Antidepressants
  3. Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorsIn

How Much Do ADHD Medications Cost?

The price of ADHD medication varies depending on several factors, including the specific drug in question, your insurance coverage, and where you live. With that disclaimer out of the way – let’s take a closer look at how much these meds can cost…

Stimulant Medication Prices

Stimulant medications tend to be more expensive than non-stimulant varieties due to their higher demand and greater popularity.

Amphetamines (not methamphetamines)

Supply: 10mg tablets x 30 pills

  • Generic – $20-$50 per month
  • Brand name (Adderall) – N.B not all countries permit brand names as generic versions may be cheaper- $120-$300 per month


Unfortunately for consumers there has been an increase in prices making this treatment option unaffordable for some based on available finances:

Supply: 36 MG extended release capsules x 30 pills

  • Average Cost without Insurance – $285.27 per pack
  • Manufacturer Coupon Discount- up to -$60 off

Have no fear folks! here’s our tip if it’s still too pricey after coupon usage ask around among friends who also take methylphenidate…told ya we are helpful.

Some examples:

Ritalin LA
 Enhanced Actuation Technology     
 Action lasts between 8 and ten hours

     Supply & dosage (Janssen Pharmaceuticals):

         10 mg capsule/24hr – from $26 
         Molecular weight :337.32 gm/mol
Metadate CD
        Supply & Dosage(Novartis Consumer Health)

      12-hour time interval

               Price range ($USD):


                         Side note from us: That sounds like highway robbery... but hey what do we know.

Non-Stimulant Medication Costs

Non-stimulant medications tend to be less expensive than stimulant varieties but may not work as effectively for all individuals with ADHD.


Antiemetic medication typically costs:

  • Generic – $10-$40 per month.

N.B it is important to note that these medications take longer than their non-stimulated counterparts and in some cases, antidepressants may take several weeks before significant symptom relief can occur.

Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)

This treatment option happens to be one of the most effective treatments used outside stimulants such as amphetamines.

 Atomoxetine Hydrochloride – minimum monthly cost: $222 and maximum monthly cost $320
 Guanfacine Extended Release  (Intuniv)– minimum monthly cost: $198 and maximum monthly cost:$350

It’s important to remember no two people are alike what works best some might work poorly for others while others don’t experience any substantial change at all!

Insurance Coverage for ADHD Medications

For many individuals, insurance is a key factor when considering how much they’ll end up paying for ADHD medication. Fortunately – or unfortunately – depending on your insurance company, coverage varies widely from plan-to-plan.

To find out how much you can expect pay based on your insurance carrier consult your chosen provider about its specific offerings related this treatment option either by phone our via their respective web portals.

Over-the-Counter Supplements As Alternative Treatments

A myth perpetuated about curing adhd using vitamin supplements couldn’t be more wrong Today. there aren’t enough scientific evidence supporting vitamins/supplements can successfully cure conditions like ADHD however they could potentially help alleviate certain symptoms

Some popular over-the-counter options marketed today include:


   Fish Oil Capsules – Range: $6-$30 per bottle

Folic Acids, Magnesium and Zinc

   At active doses supplement, cost is around $10 to $20 minor case of ADHD(minor being the emphasis here).

While these options may not cure adhd fully they have little or virtually no side effects!


ADHD medication can come at a high price depending on your insurance coverage and several other factors. If you’re worried about cost, talk to your doctor and explore all available treatment options. You can even ask for coupons from manufacturers when possible (who doesn’t love free money?) But always remember in the end total costs will vary Widely “No two situations are alike- Take good care of yourself tho & Good Luck!!”

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