How much advil can i take in a day?

Picture this: You wake up with a pounding headache, your body is sore from yesterday’s workout, and the crick in your neck is doing you no favors either. Of course, like any reasonable person would do, you stroll into the medicine cabinet and grab that trusty bottle of Advil. But wait a minute… How much Advil can you actually take? Fear not my friends! We’ve got all the answers (and jokes) you need.

The Basics

First things first – let’s cover some ground on what exactly Advil is and how it works. Advil (ibuprofen) belongs to a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which basically means it helps reduce inflammation and pain by blocking certain chemicals produced by our bodies. In other words, it helps numb out those pesky headaches or muscle pains.

Take note though – just because something reduces our pain doesn’t automatically mean we should keep on consuming them without consequences. So here comes another question: how much ibuprofen/advil can you take safely?

Dosage Guidelines

The recommended dosage for an adult taking over-the-counter ibuprofen tablets/caplets is 200-400mg every four to six hours as needed. This does not exceed more than six tablets or caplets per day.It may also be helpful if advised by medical professionals based on specific needs or conditions.The prescribed advils must only taken accordingly.

Though who really has time to count how many pills they’re popping throughout their hectic day-to-day lives? So naturally – when we start feeling extra miserable -the thought “can I take more” pops up in our heads.

How Much Is Too Much?

So let’s get down to business – how much advil can you actually consume before needing professional help? I mean, sure – at this point we’re all probably assuming that everything comes down to how much your liver can handle before giving up on you entirely, right? Personally, I’m pretty convinced the liver was created just to spite us sometimes.


But in all seriousness – an ibuprofen overdose can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. Taking too much Advil over a period of time increases the risk for stomach bleeding or ulcers.Often times it may lead to heart failure , confusion, drowsiness or fatigue as well Patients with certain conditions like hypertension or kidney disease should consult their specialist doctor and only take drugs that are advised by them.

Just because ibuprofen is available without prescription doesn’t mean it should be taken lightly nor regularly.Too much consume might led someone into a life-threatening situation.

Here’s some quick numbers per body weight: Recommendations from Cleveland Clinic are out there recommending not more than fifteen (15) mg/pound(33mg/kg)of bodyweight.All accounts must also have already been recommended by a medical professional:

  • An adult taking around 70kg (155 lbs) shouldn’t exceed consuming approximately 3300g (~7 tablets/caplets)
  • If you weigh roughly around 90kg (198 lbs),you could potentially tolerate about ~4000g (~8 tablets/caplets)

For those lucky enough to live in countries different from mine,you always have the option of checking online drug regulation portals known as Pharmacy Benefits Managers which gives result according to location.

There Are Other Options

Medicine isn’t our ONLY savior though! As clichéd as it might sound – sometimes prevention is better than cure itself.We would hate vomiting due excessive consumption so why don’t we walk towards prevention?

Alternatives To Ibuprofen

So what other options do we actually have besides popping pills all day? Here’s a few we can start with:

  • Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep our bodies functioning and aids general pain management.
  • Sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep might be all that our body needs to recover from within.Our bodies are miraculous mechanisms,Damnation if it doesn’t fix itself if given enough rest
  • Yoga/stretching: There is a better chance of escaping fatigue and muscular relaxing for your muscles by stretching exercises before vigorous physical activities
  • Heat/cold compresses: Depending on where the muscle ache, use heating pad or cold packs for temporary relief.

Not everyone has access to such choices so one must mindfully consume medicine while keeping dosage in check.


In short – you obviously shouldn’t be popping handfuls of Advil like they’re candy, but at the same time taking some medication isn’t going to cause immediate harm. It simply comes down to moderation! Professional prescription limits would vary though it usually safe not gulp more than 6 pills per day as consistently dosages may result in long-lasting medical issues.

But ultimately, just as no two individuals’ bodily functions work exactly alike,no inappropriate dosage should also applied.Okay,you could guzzle five tablets right now for heaven’s sake,but why stress when there are alternative measures?

Don’t forget though; knowledge (and humor) is power. Now go forth my friends, consume safely,and tackle those pesky headaches head on – at least until something new arises tomorrow!

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