How many years can you take viagra?

Viagra is a medication that primarily treats erectile dysfunction in men. This wonder drug has made life easier for millions of people worldwide who suffer from the condition.

However, as with all medications, there are always questions and concerns about its usage. One common question among users is how long they can take Viagra without any ill effects? In this article, we answer that pressing question and more.

What Is Viagra?

To understand how Viagra works and why it’s important to regulate dosage, it’s necessary to know what it contains. The active ingredient in Viagra is sildenafil citrate, which falls under the class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5).

The purpose of PDE5 inhibitors like sildenafil citrate is to inhibit or prevent an enzyme (phosphodiesterase type 5) from breaking down another enzyme called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in the penis tissue when sexually stimulated.

Cyclic guanosine monophosphate regularly regulates blood flow into the penis by relaxing smooth muscles within blood vessel walls during excitement time that results in erections. By slowing down cGMP breakdown through PDE-5 inhibition with sildenafil citrate present within the bloodstream after taking a pill strength ramp up erection potency level so those not previously possible.

How Does It Work

When taken orally, Sildenafil facilitates sexual performance by increasing nitric oxide (NO) production through consumption at least thirty minutes before sex takes place there was increased likelihood found between participants’ ability to achieve full erection levels fast;

NO causes vascular dilation/reduction leaving more room within specific vessel areas while decreasing pressure around them overall creating better circulation elsewhere too causing sensations such as warmth & tingling throughout body parts especially where nerves densest;(1)

It helps reduce muscle damage associated w/heavy exercise due vasodilatory properties stimulating blood flow oxygen delivery areas fatigue setting in quickly(2) , while also improving recovery time and increase quality of life for athletes. (3)

How Long Can You Take Viagra?

The majority of medical professionals agree that it’s safe to take Viagra for extended periods without any adverse effects, provided you follow the recommended dosage instructions as prescribed by your physician.

According to most practitioners involved with erectile dysfunction treatment, men can use Viagra for long enough to ensure its continuous and consistent efficacy. However, there should be precautions taken when consuming this medication.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Follow the recommended dose.
  2. Do not exceed one pill per day.
  3. If experiencing any side effects (such as headaches), immediately consult a medical practitioner.
  4. Avoid casual consumption of alcohol or food containing high-fat content before taking the tablet.

Does It Have Any Side Effects?

Like all prescription drugs, sildenafil citrate has some mild to severe side effects associated with it; these may or may not occur randomly depending on physiology & other factors-

Some common symptoms reported include headache/migraine/flushing/nasal congestion/blurred vision/lower back pain/stomach upset or indigestion/dizziness/fainting

One possible effect nitric oxide release into body tissues causes dilation blood vessels present in certain parts where pressure higher which doesn’t manifest ideal sometimes worsening conditions like hypotension causing irregular heart rate issues so always speak w/specialist beforehand taking anything new.

Another potential issue noticed after using larger amounts or prolonged supplementation could impede glucose uptake insulin sensitivity over time leading hypertensive diabetics reliant upon medications treat their ailment keeping watchful eye diet regime if diabetic medicated strength dosage changes required adjusting accordingly… fortunately, often no complications seem at hand.


To summarize everything mentioned within article above regarding taking Viagra penis erection improvement pill w/sildenafil – this potent drug works helping men achieve erections by increasing NO production promote blood flow back towards genitalia, and it typically gets very well tolerated. It has been proven to be effective when taken as prescribed under the doctor’s supervision.

Therefore, individuals can consume the tablet for an extended period without any harmful effect on their health as long as they follow instructions strictly avoiding driving until certain effects thoroughly understood tested (no random erection occurrence) + avoid alcohol or greasy/high-fat foods beforehand.

That concludes our topic “How Many Years Can You Take Viagra?”.

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