How many types of hernia in human body?

Are you feeling a bulge or discomfort in your abdomen area? Do not worry, it could be just hernia. Hernia is a medical condition which usually affects the elderly population and results when an organ pushes through muscle or tissue. Surprisingly, even young adults and children can experience this problem too. With that being said, let’s dive into the different types of hernias one can potentially develop!

Umbilical Hernias

Umbilical hernias, also known as belly button hernias, occur due to the abdominal walls trying to heal after birth improperly. These kinds of cases are more common for women who have given birth multiple times.

– Painless bulging near navel.

– Surgical repair under general anesthesia
– No treatment required if asymptomatic (but recommended).

Hiatal Hernias

Experiencing heartburn every time you eat something? You might want to get that checked out because there is a possibility it might be a hiatal hernia! These types of issues happen when part of the stomach squeezes upward via diaphragm opening meant for esophagus passage causing indigestion trouble.

– Heartburn or chest pain
– Reflux and obstruction while swallowing
– Nausea

Lifestyle changes such as weight management and avoiding large meals before laying down.
Medications like antacids are effective but don’t solve underlying issue.
Only surgical intervention provides definitive resolution.

Inguinal Hernias

One day grooving around listening to 90’s hip-hop music from G-funk era now suddenly having excruciating groin pain? It could be possibly an inguinal hernia where abdominal contents pass through pelvic wall defects acting unusual.

Indirect vs Direct Inguinal Hernais

In order location, Indirect inguinal hernia occurs around deep ring while direct cases tend to show through the superficial rings.

– Pain in groin when lifting heavy objects or coughing/sneezing
– Swelling and bulging near genital area.

Surgical intervention under general anesthesia is the best solution. Although truss may be recommended for some, most often surgical repair becomes inevitable.

Femoral Hernias

Are you experiencing lower abdominal pain in your daily routine or during any physical activities? Check if you have a femoral hernia, which usually develops due to weakness around femoral canal leading to bowel content descends towards thigh region passing from inside of leg muscle.

– Gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting.
– Localized swelling below pubic bone with severe pain that worsens by coughing or bending down.

Early surgical intervention helps stabilize the situation quickly along with reduction of further risks associated with hernias such as obstructions.

Incisional Hernias (post-operative)

Ever had a surgery on abdominal wall incisions only to experience recurrent low-grade fever, headache and nausea accompanied by unusual protrusion beneath suture line afterwards? That’s an uneasy result known as an incisional hernia involving weak tissues surrounding previous scar leading organs instead installing themselves back into place.

– Severe increased pain at operation site especially after standing for periods.
– Redness , inflammation symptoms resembling postoperative infections

Patient must seek medical attention immediately since clinical considerations affecting treatment options vary greatly depending upon state such patient’s comorbidities.

Epigastric Hernias

It’s hard going day-to-day without meals! But excessive fat around upper stomach leads tissues increasingly stretched further developing these kinds of lesions called epigastric“+
hernias.. These cases generally do not cause any serious symptoms but
can lead to complications.

– Painless raised mass near stomach region.
– Indigestion may be present in some cases.

Surgery is not required usually due small hernias since they tend to resolve themselves without any further issues. However, in rare cases the hernia continues to grow or causes discomfort requiring surgical intervention.


In conclusion, there are several types of hernias that can impact an individual differently. It’s important to pay attention and report early signs such as sharp pain or bulging lumps which could negatively impact one’s quality of life. If diagnosed with these medical conditions it would require a healthy lifestyle and/or professional surgical support for maximum relief from its effects!

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