How many pistachios help you sleep?

Are you tired of counting sheep every night just to fall asleep? Well, pistachios could be the solution you’re looking for! It is known that certain foods contain substances that can help us unwind and sleep better, and it’s no different with pistachios. But how many do we have to eat before bedtime to enjoy their benefits?

The Science Behind Pistachios

Pistachios are tree nuts originally from the Middle East but now widely consumed all over the world. Their nutritional content makes them an excellent source of energy, protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins B6 and E, among others.

What makes them an even more interesting snack is that they also contain essential minerals such as magnesium which play a huge role in relaxation and promoting quality sleep among many other functions.

Magnesium 101: What’s the Deal?

Magnesium is one of those important nutrients our bodies need but don’t always get enough from diet alone. This mineral supports hundreds of biochemical processes in our bodies including regulating nerve function, blood pressure levels, and reducing inflammation.

But perhaps what’s most relevant regarding regular consumption of magnesium-rich foods like pistachio nuts is its ability to calm anxiety symptoms by lowering cortisol levels (a hormone produced during stressful situations). That means fewer worries keeping us up at night!

Research Findings

A study conducted by researchers at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center found that consuming two ounces (roughly sixty kernels) of pistachios as a nightly snack for three weeks led to improved sleep patterns compared to participants who didn’t consume any nuts at all.

The study discovered not only improvements in overall sleep duration but also significant decreases in waking up throughout the night or experiencing difficulty falling back asleep when doing so occurred (referenced).

Other research suggests similar conclusions- regular nut consumption may promote healthier sleeping habits amongst individuals susceptible to sleep disturbances.

How Many Pistachios Are Enough?

So, how many pistachios help you sleep? Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here since everyone’s body is different. However, some guidelines will provide helpful pointers for getting started:

General Guidelines

  • Consuming 30g (a handful) of pistachios daily can already supply up to 20% of dietary magnesium needs (referenced).
  • Some official organizations like the National Institutes of Health have set recommended dietary intake levels for magnesium between ranges from three to four milligrams per pound of a person’s weight.

Calculating Your Needs

Here is an example calculation using someone with a weight of about 150lbs or so:
3mg X (your bodyweight in pounds)/2.2 = estimated required amount
3 X 150/2.2= approximately 204 mg/day

This isn’t exact and should be treated as such but provides insight into determining personal average estimation needs based on your weight.

It’s also essential not to overdo nut consumption given that they are high in calories that may lead to undesired consequences if left out outside the limits altogether.

Other Considerations

Aside from incorporating nuts into your diet during regular evening snacks potentially aiding healthy sleeping habits building onto lifestyle factors can go even further including following regulation techniques limiting electronic use before bedtime establishing regular sleep schedules etc demonstrating possible benefits this alone aids a better night’s rest overall when implemented (microsoftsleepstudy2019(referenced))).

Ultimately it comes down to finding what works best through trial error experimentation for each individual keeping guided by scientific evidence as well aforementioned common sense practices demonstrated within human experience/comfort zones overall.
With these tips and mind let`s give our taste buds new life adding this treasure trove into mealtime pleasures ensuring a healthier approach every step along with just bursting with flavor!

Final Thoughts

It’s impressive what foods like pistachios can do for our bodies -eating them in moderation provides a range of health benefits that include improving our sleep quality. Of course, rely solely on nuts to address your underlying insomnia issues isn’t the answer (AASM recommendation (referenced)). Still, these facts may provide helpful insight into new and exciting ways to aid overall wellness goals without including problematic external factors other tools under professional guidance.

So next time you’re looking for a snack before bed go ahead reach out grab some delicious pistachio nuts knowing moderate consumption supports healthier sleeping patterns helping alleviate anxiety promoting physical functioning so we can wake up feeling refreshed tackling life`s challenges head-on!

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