How many mg of apple cider vinegar per day?

Do you want to know how much apple cider vinegar (ACV) you should take every day to improve your health? Well, you have come to the right place. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how many mg of ACV per day is good for you.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Before we go any further, let’s first understand what ACV is. It’s a type of vinegar made by fermenting apples. During the fermentation process, sugar in the apples is broken down by bacteria and yeast into alcohol and then fermented again into acetic acid – this gives it its distinct sour smell and taste.

The use of apple cider vinegar dates back thousands of years when it was used as a traditional remedy for various ailments such as indigestion, sore throat, and even dandruff.

Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV has been touted to help with everything from weight loss to reducing cholesterol levels. Some people even swear by it for improving their skin complexion or treating acne.
Here are some other potential benefits:

  • Improves digestion
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Lowers blood pressure & cholesterol levels
  • Boosts immunity
  • Aids in weight loss

Now that we have gone through some key benefits let’s dive into discussing how much apple cider vinegar one can safely consume each day –

Recommended Dosage

Though there haven’t been too many studies on ACV consumption yet, here’s what most experts agree upon: Taking 1–2 tablespoons daily diluted in water or juice could be enough.

The amount might seem small but taking more than that could lead to certain side effects as high doses may cause irritation of mucous membranes leading to burning sensation in mouth/throat/stomach, nausea/vomiting which isn’t fun at all!

However, the dosage may vary depending on what you need ACV for, i.e. treating a medical condition or weight loss, for example.

Different Dosages for Different Goals

Weight Loss

ACV can also help in reducing belly fat and losing weight over time but don’t expect to drop ten kilos overnight! Taking 1 tbsp (15 ml) of apple cider vinegar per day might be enough to spur gradual weight loss over several months. Consuming more than that amount is unlikely to lead to greater effects?

If impressive results are your priority then consider adopting healthy eating & lifestyle choices like regular exercise along with a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar daily which would suffice as an addition in between balanced meals rather than replacing them altogether.


If you have type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance taking about two tablespoons (30 ml) diluted in water 30 minutes before meals could improve your glycemic control. It’s important not to take too much though, as high doses may lower blood sugar levels too much causing hypoglycemia – which definitely we don’t want!

How To Take Apple Cider Vinegar Safely?

It’s best consumed diluted with water or other liquids such as fruits juices because undiluted consumption risks burns from its acidic nature. Diluting it preserves teeth enamel and protects the throat/mouth lining.Certain individuals should consult their healthcare provider before consuming large amounts of apple cider vinegar –

  • Those with kidney problems – potassium content can negatively impact renal function
  • Those taking medication – due to possible drug interactions
  • Pregnant women – limited research is available on this topic so better safe than sorry!

Precautions While Taking ACV:

Taking small doses gradually ,rather than increasing it all at once prevents significant discomfort & side-effects like bloating,dizziness/nausea from acid reflux.
Acetic acid component ingested directly erodes tooth enamel which can lead to tooth decay as well.Maintaining good oral hygiene i.e. rinsing your mouth with water, after consuming ACV or using a straw for drinking is helpful.


In conclusion, taking apple cider vinegar in moderation within the recommended dosage limits is likely to yield modest health benefits though definitely not a miracle cure.It’s always better to incorporate it into balanced meals or drink rather than treating it as an elixir of life.

The ideal daily intake according to most experts should be one-two tablespoons diluted with water before meals – although higher doses may have specific uses such as lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.
Before trying anything new, like this age old home remedy, always consult with medical professional/doctor especially if you have underlying medical conditions.

So there you go! Hope this informative guide on how many mg of apple cider vinegar per day was of help and remember moderation is key!

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