How many hairs per day fall out?

Hair is often touted as a defining characteristic of beauty, an emblem of health and vitality. We spend hours caring for our tresses – shampooing, conditioning, brushing – all in the hopes of achieving that perfect shine and volume. But despite our best efforts to keep those locks luscious,“one shall not deny the inevitable fate awaiting them”. The truth is, no matter how healthy your hair may be or what products you use on it, some shedding is inevitable. In this article we will explore just how many hairs an average person loses each day.

Shedding: A Natural Process

Firstly,what exactly does “shedding” mean? This term refers to the natural process by which old hair falls out over time from follicles across the scalp. Hair growth follows a cycle that typically consists of three phases.

1) Anagen Phase- During this phase which can last anywhere between 2 to 6 years depending on genetic factors , hair grows consistently about half an inch every month.

2) Catagen Phase-This phase lasts only two weeks where hair stops growing at its roots but doesn’t start falling off yet

3) Telogen Phase-During this final phase lasting around 1 –4 months new hair pushes up through until eventually pushing old strands causing them too fall out (Enter “shedding”).

It’s completely normal for both men and women alike to undergo a daily amount of shedding! However several underlying factors are liable to increase or decrease these amounts which we would also look into below.

Why do hairs naturally FALL OUT?

One factor that influences extensiveness of shedding could simply be down genetics, which determines the thickness and colors among other qualities .Some people have thin straight blonde hairs whilst others have thick curly dark brown ones; all depends solely upon genetics .

Beyond hereditary predisposition, there exist hormonal fluctuations as well. During pregnancy for example high levels of estrogen puts the hairs in a dwell pause phase discouraging shedding while after birth hormones balance out again instigating hair to push off(or shed) to compensate .Regardless, your body produces varying amount and types of hormones throughout different stages of life which could potentially influence how much hair you lose at any given time

How Many Hairs Do You LOSE Daily?

It’s normal to freak out or feel anxious over how many strands you lose; that without necessarily realizing most people don’t really pay attention as there’s always more hairs growing than shedding but on average,.

An individual loses 80-100 Hairs daily. This might vary on certain days having up to three times amount being lost or one day only losing about thirty.This variation is due too location around scalp , density ,hormones among other things .

Hair loss: Exceeding Average Numbers

If an increased number sheds causes concern for anxiety then perhaps see an expert in case it’s beyond basic standard shredding.The following undermentioned factors result the exceeding standards:


“You are what you eat”,especially when it comes down too substances consumed that determines overall health. Adding food products rich in protein,vitamin D,A whilst taking plenty water greatly influences healthy hair growth.

Chemical Treatment

The applications made unto hairs through extensions,tight braids etc has propensity for breakage pulling unto them excessively leading to weakening roots triggering cycling faster than necessary.(That directly relates unto above mentioned-point no3)


Adverse effects resulting from drug applications such as chemotherapy cause excessive shedding especially upon maturation process .

Breakage Vs Shedding

Most Times people wrongly assume breaking stands also falls into generalization under “shedding”. However each represents two different scenarios.
Shedding – entire strand becomes detached from root (cycle complete )
Breakage- Hair breaks off mid shaft which mostly happens due to dry hair state or brittle hair.

What happnens when “Shedding” become excessive?

There is no exact defined limit towards shedding before becoming alarming on an individual basis,however it’s usually suggested that individuals experiencing something way more above the average range for prolonged periods be diagnosed to locate underlying causes .
Some reasons include:
Male pattern baldness :
This health condition commonly affects men and manifested by extreme patterns losing hairs particularly from crowns of heads progressing gradually over time .

Telogen Effluvium :
A temporary form of increased shedding during which strands transits directly into “resting phase” causing falling out at a higher frequency as compared too other phases experienced.


At The end of the day, losing a few strands here there’s in normal but please do ensure taking care routinely through general care,diet,hair protection policies/tips ensures healthy amplifying growth whilst slowing down aging/shedding processes

So now that you know how many hairs fall out each day, don’t stress about it! Shedding is completely natural and nothing to worry about unless an accelerated issue arises.

  • FreakySimone [Hair Loss – Toward Beauty]
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