How many calories should a 42 year old woman eat?

Congratulations! You’ve reached 42 and still looking fabulous. But wait, are you eating enough? Or maybe too much? Don’t fret because we’re here to help!

We all know that calorie intake differs according to age, gender, body composition, and activity level. And being on top of your game requires maintaining a healthy balance of all these factors.

So get ready as we take you through the nuances of determining how many calories should be in a 42-year-old woman’s diet plan.

Age Matters

First things first; it is important to establish that your body changes over time. Therefore when planning your calorie intake at this age some adjustments are vital (cue drum roll):

Metabolism changes

As women grow more mature (note the wise use of “mature”) their metabolism tends to slow down due to reduced testosterone levels which significantly impacts muscle mass loss. This also contributing a reduction in the basal metabolic rate thereby limiting burning calories while resting (sad face emoji).


In addition, women within this age group might not partake in physical activities like they used due with commitments such as careers and running homes(superwoman huh), which could result in lowered active metabolic rate- making them prone-unwanted weight gain.

Calculate Your BMR

The daily caloric needs for each individual vary based on numerous variable -age inclusive-. That is where Basal metabolic rate comes into play whith its scientifically-regulated formula–to calculate energy expenditure at rest or Sedentary life-style status: It takes into consideration height.weight.and sex variables when calculating required daily caloric needed values.
BMR = 655 + (9.6 × weight in kg) + (1.8 × height in cm) – (4.7 × age)

Taking a 42-year-old woman weighing 70kg and measuring 1.67 cm tall with a mostly sedentary lifestyle, her Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) will be:
655 + (9.6 70)+ (1.8167)-(4.742)= 1385

Resulting to a daily activity level of:

  • Sedentary – Count upwards from BMR x 1.2 = the total number of calories you need
  • Moderately Active – Above BMR x 1.375
  • Very Active – Above BMR x above = low sef!

Let’s Break it Down Some More…

The daily calorie needs for women above age-grouped can range back-and-forth depending on our activity levels.

A Moderately Act-active Woman

Suppose she exercises three times weekly, falling under the moderately active category? In that case, this means she burns roughly about 1500 calories per day (beast mode); therefore consuming anything more than that amount could make all those hours at the gym counterproductive creating unecessary added lbs (not nice!).

A Less Active individual

On otherhand if you lead much ,much sedentary lifestlyle as we most frequently do given joggling multiple household task whilst slaying our careers simultaneously(double thumbs-up emoji) –then your estimated caloric requirement stands at around just below or perhaps along-wiht this domain:2250-2500 calories/day.(sheesh so many numbers).

But what does this translate to in terms of actual meals? Let’s dive deeper…

Meal Plans According to Activity Level.

Calculating again using an average reasonably proactive lady with moderate exercise sessions gives us;
That is approximately;


A cup of oatmeal mixed with fresh fruit & honey – around 450 kcal
Plus one glass of orange juice, 110g serving–about 50 kcal

Mixed nuts in a handful count around 175 kcals or you go for something yummy like a chocolate bar-but limit to about and close-180 calories.


Mixed green Salad with chicken thigh filet or chickpea falafel ball & vinaigrette – around 400 kcals
If preferred add two slices of brown bread approximately-78 grams total– Around 200kcal

Fruit smoothie that is entirely homemade with yogurt-small minced fruits & spinach value at roughly –90 kcal (you’re welcome!)


grilled salmon alongside side roasted veggies such as baby carrots peeled sweet potatoes served in a cup full meausrement approximayely -85grams– about,below 350 –for our maths-challenged readers which brings it to an overall otaround –600 kaliories. Congratulations aren’t we great!

You can always adjust your caloric intake by adjusting portion sizes, substituting low-calorie ingredients, and moderating the frequency (portions… snicker’s ..hear hear)of fattening desserts and snacks. That said lets dive into some nutrient proportions.

Nutrient Proportion

No matter what activity level we partake in as women nutritional balance remains elemental. It helps promote higher physical performance%(which burns more calories), better general health outcomes,and provides you with necessary energy needed to conquer day-to-day activites.This comprises calculating each morsel you eat breaking them down into your daily carb-fat-protein ratio. They are calculated below:–

On average should fall between the range of 45% to 65% percent of all meal portions; options include high-fibre bread,pasta cooked al dente,fresh fruit,honey\jams etc

2.) Protein.
It emphasizes growth and muscle generation. A varied range of around 10-35 percent is required for optimum meals.Tips may include baked fish filets,chicken breasts,lentils just to mention some ideals.

3) Fats
These should be less than about 30 percent –who knew fat could play so well with others. Go for healthy fats like drizzles of (EVOO) extra virgin olive oil – write this down, nuts, seeds or even yoga.

Overall it advisable to weight yourself daily– taking note,too often can trigger slight fluctuations when observed. Your average weight over an extended period would give you better insights on adherence to the plan; enabling readjustments if necessary.

In Conclusion

Maintaining a healthy balance is essential as we age, ensuring that all nutrients requirements are achieved while moderating caloric intake remains key in maintaining a stable BMI level.The overall goal entails finding your rhythm ,one that suits your lifestyle with room for occasional indulgence –lets live ladies!

Afterall life,equally as important,is meant enjoyed one delicacy at a time&sincerely who-da hell wants to miss out on cupcakes(insert-wink-face emoji)!

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