How many calories in 1 4 cup of blackberries?

Are you watching your weight but still crave something sweet? Look no further than the delicious, juicy berry that also happens to be low in calories – blackberries! But how many calories are actually present in those small, dark purple berries? Let’s explore!

The Basics of Counting Calories

Before we dive into the specifics of blackberries’ calorie count, let’s review some basic principles.

Firstly, a calorie is simply a unit of energy. When talking about food and diets, we use it as a measure of how much energy our bodies get from consuming certain types and quantities of food.

Secondly, each person’s daily caloric intake varies depending on factors such as age, gender, height, weight , body fat percentage (you name it!). However for most adults at least approximately 2000-2500 calories per day is considered sufficient.

Thirdly…oh wait..what am I doing here?! This article isn’t about basics or generalities!!
Back to business then!

Understanding Blackberries

As picked from one bush during summer afternoons or early mornings rolled with cream;blackberry, a fruit resembling raspberry can often be found shining amidst its green foliage backdrop when ripe. And like other brightly-colored fruits such as blueberries or cherries they’re touted for their health benefits!

But enough poetry for now…let’s talk numbers!

At this point you may already have guessed what the answer might be: a fourth cup doesn’t pack too many calories! Actually exactly:

Serving Size Matters

Let’s start at the beginning: measuring serving sizes accurately is crucial if you’re trying to track your calorie intake.

So please take note:
A quarter cup (30 grams) roughly contains around
25 kcal ;
Half-a-cup approximate mass ranges between 35-40kcal ;
1 Cup of this brilliant-colored fruit contains around
60 kcal;
A serving (140 grams) would come in about 45kcal.

What does that mean?! Well you don’t have to feel guilty enjoying a giant pile of berries on their own, or atop your yogurt bowls – the calorie count is just too low!

Nutritional Value

Besides being low-cal, blackberries are also chock-full of nutrients. Here’s a rundown of some essential vitamins and minerals found in these little powerhouses:
-Rich source of vitamin C which helps develop immunity.
-A good source of vitamin K & folate vital for blood clotting mechanism and reducing neural tube defects during pregnancies.
-High level fiber content promoting digestive health preventing constipation.
-Manganese present comes with its benefits for carbohydrate metabolism , bones formation then calcium absorption.

So not only do they ticks the boxes when it comes to being delicious but it’s also has remarkably beneficial nutritional values making them apt choice for anyone watching their diet!

Cooking up Blackberry recipes without consuming Unnecessary calories!

Now that we know our favorite summer fruits aren’t actually high in calories let’s try to incorporate more such bites into our diets by combining them with other nutrient-dense foods!
Here are a few recipe ideas:

Yogurt Parfait

This one is easy-peasy! Layer your favourite Greek yoghurt in a mason jar or bowl alternately with fresh blackberries after scattering some mixed nuts. Top all over with granola giving an irresistible crunchy twist delivering balanced breakfast cup perfect to keep you full through morning meetings.

Summer Salad

Make any salad great adding colour vibrancy texture along side loads nutrition rich floral sweet tones as topping using fresh-picked blackberries. Just take Spinach/ Arugula and mix together Blue Cheese / Feta topped off candied almonds / walnuts where its sweetness added from balanced stream of honey vinaigrette dressing then adding fresh bundle of juicy blackberries to finish it off.

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats are an easy, nutritious and make-ahead breakfast that can be customized however you want! Mix rolled oats, chia seeds and a dairy-free milk substitute in mixing bowl . Meanwhile mix mashed avocado with lemon juice. Build up: Bottom Layer – Goji berries; Next layer – Overnight oats mixture topped off few drops vanilla extract followed by Apple Pieces and don’t forget topping the entire amalgamation with our tasty Superfood Blackberries!


In conclusion this luscious pack of fruit isn’t high in calories unlike some sweets or junk consumables they rather provide essential micronutrients promoting wellness without piling on pounds aiding digestive health which is always welcome!So next time when grabbing for something sweet just reach out at your nearest farm or grocery store for such natural goodness while keeping yourself fit & healthy.

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