How many calories does turbo kickboxing burn?

If you’re considering turbo kickboxing, then the first thing that might pop up in your mind is how many calories can you burn while punching and kicking? You may be surprised. Turbo kickboxing is an intense workout which utilizes various martial arts techniques such as boxing and training exercises like dancing to provide a complete cardiovascular program for fitness enthusiasts.

Understanding Turbo Kickboxing

Turbo kickboxing blends traditional moves from different disciplines into one fast-paced aerobic session. One hour of turbo kickboxing can have around 700-800 repetitions of punches, kicks, and other moves at high energy levels without rest periods.
As per studies conducted by various researchers, a person weighing 125 pounds can burn roughly between 400 to 500 calories during an hour-long class of cardio-kickbox class. If someone weighs around 155 pounds, they may end up burning around 600 to700 calories during the same time frame.

Martial Arts Techniques Used In Turbo Kick Boxing

This program has several martial art techniques employed in it the following are some of them:
Upper cuts
Hook punches
Front Kicks
Side Kicks
Back hook kicks

Factors Influencing Calorie Burning

There are multiple factors influencing calorie burning apart from one’s weight when undergoing this type of exercise routine.

Metabolism Rate

The rate with which the human body processes food affects caloric-burning capabilities markedly-. Some people tend towards faster metabolism while others may experience slower processing – this factor influences burning rate straightly.

Kick-Boxing Expertise Level & Intensity Levels Of The Workout

The higher level training required means more extensive movements increasing energy expended –therefore calorie loss-enhanced likewise –as does increased volume or intensity workouts involving complex combinations and manoeuvres consuming more fuel .

Rest Periods Mid Workouts

Caloric burning rates may decrease drastically if you take extended rest periods in between workout sessions. The standard formula is to work out three times a week minimally – with the duration, intensity, and frequency of one’s working program tailored according to individual needs goals.

Burning calories through Turbo-Kick Boxing

Burn rates depend on several factors from one’s body weight and metabolism speed -as well as expertise level- when it comes down martial arts techniques utilized. Few ways to optimize calorie incineration via turbo kickboxing include:

Maintaining Best Posture while doing Kickboxing

When performing any form of exercise using proper form physiological systems stressed or taxed most efficiently keep up good posture during movements maintain their integrity throughout ranges motion needed.

Engaging All Muscles And Upper Body Strength To Toss Punches Properly In Aerobic Sessions

Throwing punches moves upper body muscles toning them better hitting harder means more energy expended resulting reduced fat mass over time possible.

Using Explosiveness While Doing Moves With a High Pace

The quickening nature activities ensure an elevated heart rate generating greater calorie expenditure much sooner than other workouts due pace keeping bodies plyometric explosive dynamic changeable engaging various muscle groups continuously .

Have Short Periods Rests Which Improve Cardiovascular Efficiency .

Minimizing rests periods allows sustained cardiovascular strain thereby increasing caloric depletion whilst simultaneously focusing altogether top fitness levels endurance evolution massive boxing gym progressing day by day!


Overall, turbo kickboxing is a highly effective way for both men and women alike who wish to improve their physical health i.e., flexibility strength suppleness coordination balance rhythm movement symmetry explosiveness etcetera while at the same time having fun!! It might be considered among many athletics-oriented holistic personal training routines universal appeal worldwide high-end energetic enthusiasts implementing martial arts-driven elements enhancing the way people feel about themselves continuously inspiring them toward wellness enjoyment satisfaction achievement daily life habits long into the future!

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