How many calories 6 oz chicken breast?

Are you looking to maintain a healthy diet and want to know how many calories you are consuming with each meal? Well, look no further as we dive into the world of chicken breasts and calorie counts.

What is in Your Chicken Breast?

Before we get started on the caloric content of a 6 oz chicken breast, let’s first take a look at what actually makes up this piece of poultry. A raw boneless, skinless chicken breast typically contains:

  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B12
  • Phosphorus

Sounds like some fancy scientific terms thrown in there huh? Don’t worry – we’re here to break it down for you!

Your body needs protein to build strong muscles and repair tissues. The fat found in chicken can be both good and bad for your body depending on its source; however, with proper portion control, it shouldn’t hurt your health.

Iron helps transport oxygen throughout your body while zinc plays a role in immune function. And if those weren’t enough minerals packed into one serving already, add phosphorous which bonds together cells!

Nutritional Value Table

Here is an overview table showcasing nutritional value per 1 oz (28g) of cooked boneless skinless breast:

Nutrient Amount %DV
Calories 46 kcal
Total Fat 0.7 g
Saturated Fat 0.2 g
Cholesterol ~13 mg
Sodium ~15 mg
Carbohydrate <1 g
Protein 9 g
Vitamin A
Calcium ~5 mg
Iron <1 mg

Percent Daily Values (%DV)

So, How Many Calories Does a 6 oz Chicken Breast Contain?

Thankfully, chicken breasts have relatively low-calorie content compared to other protein sources.A six-ounce serving of a cooked boneless and skinless chicken breast contains around 274 calories.

However, please note that this number solely refers to the calorie count of your plain unseasoned piece of poultry (we know it’s hard) plus any oil or fat used during preparation before cooking!

Prepared vs. Unprepared Chicken Breasts

In order for you to fully understand how many carbs in a chicken breast are contained in each serving accurately, we should also look into prepared vs unprepared pieces.

Surely we’ve all experienced the goodness (or not so great feeling after eating too much) of some deep-fried giant chicken wings from our favorite fast food joint! But do you really want to know what kind of affect this has on your body?

The same goes for marinating your chicken breasts prior to throwing them on the grill – while they may add an exciting range flavors; watch out as some store-bought varieties can be packed with extra salt and sugar!

On average:
– Breaded fried/battered: adding an unhealthy surplus means roughly every additional ounce contains approximately 40 more calories.
– Marinated/Baked/Grilled : keeping things lean by simply using simple rubs increases nutritional value without upping caloric intake beyond what needed.

Conclusion Sayonara Salt!

It’s safe but definitely not advised for anyone watching their weight or trying lead healthier lifestyle choice(s). While avoiding high-fat contents is recommended even if breaded version does manage fall within daily caloric count; sodium intake can easily spiral out control, if not monitored correctly …causing health issues such as high blood pressure.

So the next time you want to spruce up your chicken breast for a little extra flair, why not try adding some fresh herbs or seasonings instead — your body (and taste buds) will thank you!

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