How long should you breastfeed each time?

Breastfeeding is one of the most important things that mothers do for their children. Every parent wants to provide their baby with all of the necessary nourishment they need, and breast milk is often hailed as the best source of food for an infant. However, as much as mothers want to give the right amount of breastfeeding time, it can be tough to determine how long you should breastfeed your child each time.

The Golden Rule Of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding may seem easy and intuitive at first glance but let’s not forget there are a few tricks involved in teaching your little ones how to properly latch on (if only babies could take latching classes). If you’ve managed this feat then congratulations! It means that you’re off on a good start towards providing optimal nutrition for your newborn baby.

When it comes down to figuring out how frequently or roughly how long should you breastfeed each time? Listen up because here’s our golden rule: Let baby nurse on one side until they pull off on their own accord, slow down and/or fall asleep — we call this satiety behavior!

It’s pretty simple really; use whichever feed works best for your family (word!). Want more advice? Here are several viewpoints worth considering related to frequency + duration guidelines:

Uncommon tips to know before feeding

Here are some lesser-known hacks that might help streamline this delicate process –

  1. Remember that hunger patterns will vary from kid-to-kid especially during those famous growth spurts when suddenly nothing seems enough (also applies later in life when toddlers demand cookies instead)
  2. Ideally try offering both breasts per feeding session – however sometimes once is enough (which coincidentally suggests traffic isn’t jammed).
  3. Keep yourself hydrated always & maintain proper posture while nursing yaaas queen!
  4. No worries if achieving perfect timing for a feed is near-impossible during the first weeks, newborns are not aware of how inconvenient life can be when you’ve got errands to run.
  5. Avoid switching sides too quickly or frequently unless bubba isn’t fully draining one breast.

Breastfeeding comes naturally once it becomes habitual and attaining this rhythm takes some time but will happen eventually (trust me on that).

Ideal duration for each feeding session

The all-in-one solution we have found after numerous campaigns but seriously – “It depends.” Some babies prefer shorter feeds while others tend to nurse for longer periods. Apparently as per various researches there’s no solid reason to believe that breastfeeding sessions must exceed a specified timeframe i.e., 15 minutes each side (Hallelujah!).

Newborns usually feed anywhere from 15-30 minutes, whereas older babies fall in the range of roughly 10-20min per nursing session (think efficient wakeups!) The idea behind letting your baby finish the “first course” (waiting till they actively disengage) before guiding them towards the second breast is grounded in allowing access to nutrient-rich hind milk ‘cause ain’t nobody wants empty calories now do we?

In summary; There’s no set amount of time as every baby has different needs and growth patterns, so keep an eye on their behavior instead of clock-watching like an obsessed aerodrome staff member specifically assigned to landing timings!

Feeding Patterns

Another important factor influencing both frequency & length boils down primarily due to your child’s age; generally speaking –

  1. Newborns tend to sleep for short stretches waking up every few hours hence needing frequent feeds around eight times daily
  2. As rapidly as kiddos grow through development stages i.e., two-month span unlocks organized feeding w/ intervals ranging closer between three-four daytime hours with night-time ones being slightly smaller.
  3. By six months of age, breastfeeding frequency can adopt a solid-structure. Most babies reach three-five feeds per day approaching solids as they get more active an usually inquisitive about what’s on their grown ups plate (don’t you steal that sushi from me baby).

It’s imperative to stay attentive during this stage since dwindling feeds or short nursing sessions are often flags indicating interference with milk flow which could lead negatively impact your child.

Other Factors To Consider

Consider the following aspects; i.e., growth spurts, teething or newfound feeding patterns (little rascals!), particular condition (e.g., reflux), etc might also affect session length and suggested number of feedings – but guess what my friend? Your intuition & observation skills will make all the difference here!

Knowing for sure when your peanut is content after eating has both emotional and physical benefits like allowing babies quality rest periods while also avoiding engorgement-related pain in breasts.


Breastfeeding isn’t straight-forward either it varies from newborn to infant-to-toddler depending on development milestones plus personality traits! Finding a rhythm takes time but pays off royally by enhancing bonding moments between parent-child duos…and serves up priceless memorabilia down memory lane as well!

Lastly ladies; don’t forget its not just “you” siphoning nutrients – always eat regularly + check different ways with lactation consultants whether diet modifications help boost milk supply (in case extra boost juice required). In conclusion: follow bubba’s cues whilst staying Mama-san beverage readily available because there ain’t any such thing as normal here at least not without moderation – then again who needs standard anyway?

Happy nursing!

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