How long does swelling last after a dog bite?

If you’ve ever been bitten by a dog, you’ll know that it can hurt like nothing else. But what about the swelling? How long does that last? Here’s everything you need to know.

Understanding Dog Bites and Swelling

A dog bite is no joke. Besides breaking the skin and causing pain, it comes with many other issues.

One of those problems is swelling in the affected area where the dog bit. The extent of this often depends on various factors, including:
– The size and breed of the dog
– The location of your wound
– Whether or not there were puncture wounds (these lead to more significant swelling)

Swelling might be limited to generic redness at first(it’s nothing!) but later become extensive enough to impede daily activities.

So how long does this excess puffiness last?

Symptoms Associated With Dog Bites

Before delving into how long swelling lasts after a dog bite (because we love suspense), let us look at some other symptoms associated with these bites:

Injury Severity

The severity of an injury sustained from a canine attack varies largely based on multiple factors such as:
– Nature of attack.
– A single nip followed by release has minimal consequences compared to severe wounds which require emergency medical care.
– Some dogs have jaws grip; hence they don’t let go until forcefully taken off either by their owners or professionals.

Depending upon whether or not one requires suturing or even surgery, healing may take months(a story for another day)!!


Provided infection isn’t treated promptly(which I hope happens not),there’s an elevated likelihood that it will get worse over time resulting in complications extremely challenging to cure!.After attacking/defending itself against third-party bacteria within the saliva involved during biting,it exposes new microorganisms to the body.


Another risk involved in canine bites is rabies, a lethal virus which can be transferred through an infected saliva from a dog bite if uncontrolled by pertinent medication(unbelievable). It’s as awful and scary as it sounds.

Generalized symptoms include;

Agitation/ hallucinations Excitability/unusual disturbances in behavior
Excessive drooling Restlessness
Muscle spasms Delirium


Our conclusion? – If you get bit by a dog: Seek medical attention-( duh!)

And to address our original question:

How Long Does Swelling Last After a Dog Bite?

The timeframe of swelling after such an attack typically lasts around five days but could possibly last longer, depending on several factors including the individual’s metabolic processes and how severe the wound was. The more punctured or broken down tissue there seems to be, the higher chances for escalated swelling levels. Redness may start coming out within minutes-hence visit your healthcare provider without delays for prompt attendance.

Your body will still take some time to heal itself entirely beyond this estimated range! However, sometimes these durations vary due to two extremes below;

What To Consider

Mild Cases

In cases where no major complications arise,life goes back-to-normal (well normal-ish)within about ten days post-injury(great news xoxo) ; inflammation calms down quickly while wounds close up via scab formation.

Severe Cases

However, severe scenarios may attract extended treatment routines over an undetermined period.(do not want to experience!!)

Treatment Options

At first sign of discomfort and unobvious redness, see your health expert rapidly for evaluation. Following evaluation thereafter we commence the treatment program which entail:

  • Prescriptions to relieve pain/discomfort
  • Includes a regimen of antibiotics in cases where bacterial spread/ infections took root
  • Debridement (tissue removal) along with wound irrigation when mostly necessary.


In conclusion,swelling is one part of the larger issue that arises from dog bites(who knew right?). The amount and duration depend on multiple factors; thus excellent hygiene, immediate care as well as proper medical attention stands so crucially necessary towards minimizing timeframes for swollen areas checking us out(red flags?)…except you’re into being hungover Red Riding Hood or Carmen San Diego!

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