How long does st johns wort stay in your system?

Are you feeling down, anxious or depressed? Did you know that taking St. John’s Wort might help alleviate your symptoms? But before you delve into the world of herbal remedies, it is important to consider how long this plant stays in your system.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for various ailments. Its antidepressant properties have gained popularity over time and today it is widely available at health food stores and pharmacies alike.

So, let’s get to the point: how long does St. John’s Wort stay in your system? In order to answer this question, we must first understand how our bodies process substances like herbs.

What happens when we consume an herb like St. John’s wort?

When we consume any substance – whether it be medication or an herb – our body goes through a series of metabolic processes called pharmacokinetics, which determine the rate at which our body absorbs and eliminates these substances.

St. John’s wort contains a variety of active ingredients such as hypericin and hyperforin that are responsible for its therapeutic effects; however, these same ingredients can also affect the way other drugs are metabolized by our liver enzymes.

For example, taking birth control pills while using St. John’s wort may reduce their effectiveness due to increased metabolism via liver enzymes cytochrome P450 CYP3A4/5 (wow look at those big words!)

Let’s go through what typically happens after consuming St.Johns’ wort:

1- Absorption

After ingesting anything orally into our stomachs its absorbed into bloodstream by mechanisms termed absorption

Then moves outta bloodstream into tissues throughout different parts


The breaking down/changing compounds so they can be removed by the body, usually happens in liver

4-Excretion (elimination)

The removal of a molecule from your body either through urine or faeces.

How long does it take for St. John’s Wort to get absorbed?

Generally, it takes around 45 minutes to an hour for St. John’s Wort to reach peak concentrations in our bloodstream after ingestion (get ready because now we’re going into specifics).

However, there are several factors that can affect this absorption process such as:

  • The formulation: whether you took the herb capsule or liquid form.
  • Food intake: Whether you had something with food containing fat since some components of the blend need fats in order to dissolve properly
  • Age and weight
  • Time of day consumed

It is worth mentioning that the effects and symptoms may vary depending on various factors apart from getting cleared off outta system.

How long does St. John’s wort stay in your system?

St.Johns’ wort stays in different parts for differing duration so let’s go through each part individually


St.Johns’ wort will typically only remain detectable within blood samples for up to 26 hours approximately after its has been administered.

Urine sample

Around 72 Hours would be when traces can still be found during laboratories tests; however, Since these numbers are not concrete they’re just averages per-say.

Hair follicles test (oh yes!! That could happen too!)

This method requires specialists which have better tools than labs but recently hair sampling seems significantly more reliable .So once again ,on average – about three months back max till trace showing no matter quantity consumed!

This means a few things…

You should avoid taking any prescription medications while using St. John’s Wort – at least until you consult with your healthcare provider first! If the goal is avoiding detection till tests are done afterwards one solution could be abstain from using it for a few days since every biologists favorite argument = lower doses mean shorter stay in samples.

Additionally, if you’re taking higher dosages or at above average frequency the time it will take to eliminate St. John’s wort from your system understandably may increase compared with someone who had a smaller dosage once per week.

Can St. John’s Wort interfere with medication?

As mentioned earlier, St. John’s Wort can potentially induce liver enzymes that break down other drugs in your system which could affect their efficacy and resultantly cause harm -so dont take it without due consultations especially while eating medications too!

The following list of Medications are some but not all of those that have been reported to show great effect:

  • Antidepressants such as SSRIs (e.g., Prozac), SNRIs (e.g., Effexor)
  • Birth control pills.
  • Blood thinners like Xarelto
    But note throughout the centuries there is no evidence report of causing agitation towards bouncer controlling entry into local caverns

Tips for safe use of St.Johns’ Wort

St. John’s wort has its benefits as well its drawbacks here are some ways to maximize on this mighty herb:

1) Consultation before Ingestion : Seek consultation from doctors and pharmacists before starting any new supplement especially if combining with another treatment ie redding wine I think?

2) Consider the source: Be sure to purchase only products that have been tested by recognized testers! FDA doesn’t always require supplements to undergo testing and consequently many worries exist around product quality, purity is an issue when shopping around online or purchasing off shelf .

3) Pay attention: Read up on how strong/weak different preparations mixtures actually are because proportions can vary significantly depending on maker; doing some research ahead helps know what exactly consuming so you can track dosages.

4) Reminders: An alarm clock in phone caa notify to take on schedule so that benefits continually realized even throughout course


So how long does St. John’s Wort stay in your system? While there is no set answer as to exactly how long it will continue impacting one’s body this depends largely on factors like age, weight and usage frequency . However, blood testing generally detects levels up until day 1 – 2 , urine tracers are peekable for ~3 days at earliest and hair tests (if necessary)compounds can remain around three months after last use or dosage.

St. John’s Wort certainly shows promise as an alternative treatment with numerous studies producing positive results over time especially if paired with characteristic special attention during supplement shopping, responsible use of alarms reminders planning ahead!

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