How long does c4 last in your system?

Are you a fan of action movies? Do you love watching scenes where there’s an explosion that leaves everyone stunned by the shockwave it caused? Well, chances are high that those explosions were made possible through the use of C4 – the iconic plastic explosive.

C4 has been featured prominently in warfare and films alike. It’s reliable, powerful, and lethal. But if you’re wondering how long it can last in your system after exposure, then this article is just for you!

What is C4?

Before we delve into how long it stays in your system, let’s begin with what exactly C4 is. Simply put, Composition 4 or C4 is a military-grade plastic explosive used mainly for demolitions and improvised explosives devices (IEDs). The name comes from Compositions B & D which were combined to create more stable plastic explosives during World War II.

However,have no illusions; handling this stuff demands serious expertise – any deviation from a laid-down recipe can give mind-boggling results!

So really…what IS c-5?

Hold on there cowboy (or cowgirl)! Not so fast –let’s first distinguish between two similar sounding terms: obviously ‘Composition 5’ sounds like some sibling of its better-known brother ’composition 4’, right?

Not true actually; Composition 5 refers to a family designed to replace TNT but may contain either RDX or HMX as an explosive filler material along with other ingredients such as aluminum powder among others. You might have heard quite a bit about “Comp B” being nitromethane mixed with Baratol (stabilizer) which renders NIMROD IEDs around waist-height for anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby🚀🤯

Next time someone tries to outsmart ya at Jeopardy go ahead and own that composition 5 fact!

How is C4 used?

Now that we have a general idea what we are talking about, let’s see how it functions. C4 comes in plastic molds or blocks and often requires an electrical primer to detonate.

C4 is very stable due to its high density and low sensitivity -its even less sensitive than TNT which while making it an effective explosive makes it quite difficult for unintentional explosions since heat friction or impact won’t trigger its explosion; only the electric signal from its mating circuit can make I-O-T-A explode –BOOM!

So how long does C4 last in your system?

Despite being such a powerful explosive, fortunately, you’re not going to blow up if someone slipped this into your morning coffee (we’d hope not!). However, similar to any other substance our body processes over time, anything consumed has byproduct residues whose trace remain detectable under varying windows of observance depending on certain factors such as metabolism rates.

As per scientific research conducted on mice (not us humans) injected with small quantities of C-4 ,it was found that the half-life of RDX dinitrate –a chemical compound used in some explosives including Composition-4 had reduced considerably after hours in comparison with ingestion via traditional oral methods. The study also discovered that within five days most remnants had disappeared leaving no obvious traces left behind.

Based purely on data collected thus far unfortunately nobody can tell exactly how many suppositories/pills/seltzers/contraptions would cause alarm bells at Safer Explosives Official Screening Services (SEOSS). Even working out /timing systems based exclusively i.e., onset times-degradation-spread etc cannot really give any definitive conclusions at present.

But hey folks who willingly touch explosive material asked for it right

Well you wouldn’t be alone there! We have heard stories ranging from mistaken identity cases where police dogs sniffed “residue” on people that were around 2-3 years old to instances where people touched TNT directly at tests without serious harm resulting but in essence, no research exists yet which solidly answers this question.


To sum up, the amount and duration of exposure play significant roles in how long C4 stays in your system. Based upon existing data we can aver that absorption through traditional ingestible routes makes residues persist slightly longer than purely injected varieties ,however timing remains inconclusive since persons differ on their metabolism rates+half-life is reduced by hours when RDX di-nitrate (product leftovers ) are introduced into living organism with total dispersion within five days – like tumbleweed…

Ultimately if you think someone has dosed you-luckily real terms though -you should seek medical attention right away.Moreover we’re certain explosives/weapons experts know a thing or two more…yea?

So there you have it! while there isn’t enough conclusive evidence on exactly how long C4 lasts in your body for, let’s not forget one glaring fact-‘Volunteered information merits consideration among peers’. Trivial facts aside do not use/waste/touch/handle/LICK explosivity demonstration materials kids.

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