How is light mayonnaise made?

Ah, light mayonnaise. The middle child of condiments, always overshadowed by its full-fat and fat-free siblings. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this article, we’ll take you on a tour of the process behind making light mayonnaise and give you the lowdown on everything from ingredients to packaging.

Step 1: Gathering Ingredients

First things first we need to gather our ingredient troops for this culinary mission. To make light mayo, we’ll need:

  • One egg or equivalent amount of pasteurized egg product
  • Two teaspoons lemon juice or vinegar
  • Half teaspoon salt
  • Half cup vegetable oil (stick with me here)
  • Quarter cup water

Yes, that’s right – half a cup of vegetable oil! Don’t fret just yet; there’s more to come.

Step 2: Preparing Your Equipment

Before jumping headfirst into the recipe, it’s essential to make sure your equipment is prepared correctly. For this next step grab yourself either an electric mixer or whisk with some brute strength because mixing all these components together takes serious muscle power!

Once equipped with either option (we recommend opting for whichever will tire out someone else), set aside a medium mixing bowl away from any open flames (lest you be tempted).

Atop that thimble-sized bone china teacup labeled ‘Whisk’ in your Sunday-best cupboard lies forgotten once again.

## Step 3: Blending like Baby Food

You’re almost halfway through now! Whew! Go ahead and crack the egg into said not-forgotten-but-almost-teacup labeled ‘Whisk.’ Pour lemon juice/vinegar (if unable to choose between them please flip) on top while using half teaspoon as reinforcement assistance if needed.

Grab your trusty blender (or turn around and ask your kid to do it for you). Throw in this duo (egg and acid options) along with salt until a high-speed froth appears after roughly 30 seconds.

Step 4: Adding Half Cup of Vegetable Oil

Great work! We’re now at the halfway point– and still going strong. Unfortunately, things are about to take a turn. Slowly pour half cup vegetable oil into that bubbling concoction in blending jar – just like slowly pouring water over the back of a spoon (no one actually knows why we do this despite saying it makes sense).

Once done, blend again on high for several minutes. A bit longer than when preparing baby mushy peas? You betcha, but patience is key here people – don’t get antsy lest you want mayo flung all across your kitchen walls.

Step 5: Diluting it Some More

We’re almost there; just two more steps remaining (great stamina!). Water enters the equation once again as your savior by helping reduce its thickness without losing its flavor.

Begin to add quarter cup water one teaspoon at a time while continuing blending till perfect consistency reached(ideal timeframe can range anywhere from several minutes or short bursts depending upon how well friend/relative is doing)

And voila—light mayo has been born!

Note: gently transfer contents into an adorned container and label accordingly

There you have it light mayonnaise made possible right from home! It’s super easy if someone else does most of these processes, so go ahead and give making homemade condiments a shot next time fancy strikes rather than turning up empty-handed to pool parties. Happy dunking!

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