How effective is the pill and pulling out together?

Let’s get straight to the point, folks. We’re talking contraception today. Specifically, we’re delving into the somewhat questionable world of combining two forms of birth control: The pill and pulling out.

I know what you’re thinking – “wow, this article is going to be a real hoot!” And that’s exactly right my fine-feathered friends. So, without further ado (or pointless babbling), let’s dive in!

First Things First: Let’s Talk About What These Two Methods Actually Are

You probably already know about both methods individually but just in case you don’t allow me to educate you briefly or refresh your memory.

The Pill:

The pill is a type of hormonal contraceptive taken orally by women. It usually contains estrogen and progesterone which prevent ovulation (the release of eggs). If no egg gets released; sperm can’t fertilize it thus stopping pregnancy from happening.

Cool? Cool.

Pulling Out:

Ah yes, old faithful- also known as ‘withdrawal’. This method requires getting all up-close-and-personal with your partner during sex then withdrawing as ejaculation approaches to prevent any little swimmers entering their target getaway vehicle (your uterus).

Now that that lesson has been taught- let’s see how these work together…

Can You Combine the Two for Extra Protection?

Before I give an answer here – remember nothing except abstinence will ever be 100% effective at preventing pregnancy so always use multiple types if possible plus protection against STIs too!

But hey who doesn’t love playing with fire now-a-days anyways?! Seriously though folks…

Combining these two methods CAN create an extra layer of defense against unwanted pregnancies AND helps guard against missed pills + forgetting them altogether- Yeesh isn’t that convenient!

Buuuut sorry ladies… there are some things y’all should know before packing up and throwing all of your other contraceptives in favor of this new lethal combo.

The Advantages

Perfect practice:

I’m sorry to disappoint – neither method is completely foolproof- HOWEVER using both can be a great way to improve efficacy to an extent.

If you’re the type that sometimes forgets or is unable to consistently take pills then using withdrawal could provide another layer sex protection.

But please ladies- don’t start attacking us with brass knuckles when it still doesn’t work out 100%!

Spermicide isn’t needed as much:

Believe it or not, wearing two belts will help keep one’s pants on better (for the most part) – quite simply put- since these methods have been shown individually reduce rates of pregnancy—combining them has generally good results!

Also for those who like re-using their condoms? Safe choice here too! Less baby juice being deposited will prolong their durability for future rounds 😉

The Disadvantages

Although we aim at providing quality content presented in a light hearted manner…unfortunately I am forced share some less-than-awesome news about this technique combination especially if you’re heavy-handed with red pens marking boxes ✔️✔️ 😅

Neither Method Is Completely Reliable Alone:

Let’s face facts folks- No matter how effective each method may be on its own, they certainly aren’t ironclad by themselves. As the old adage goes ‘two heads are better than one’ .

Even combined though we’d strongly advise against playing chicken with fertility matters unless deliberately tryinging conceiving risky business…even hedge-fund managers frown upon unwise risks ⚠️😉

Howeverr…although neither provides 100% effectiveness individually combining birth control pill + pulling out HAS provided pregnancies rates under .1 percent due either method failing; But at the same time- that’s less than 1 in every THOUSAND + if one decides to fumble the ball with either method (or miss pills)…those odds increase greatly :(.

STI Protection:

Folks, please don’t forget that contraceptives only work for preventing unwanted pregnancies : and not as protection against sexually transmitted infections. Providing you haven’t exclusively been going solo or kayaking down a river LITERALLY BY YOURSELF; Use condoms too!

Requires Planning Ahead, Coordination & Communication During Sex 😉 :

It takes some major communication during sex to be able to both enjoy it while keeping eyes on the prize – avoiding those pesky accidents by consistently using both simultaneously can take some serious coordination …and let’s hope your partner is good at multitasking.🤞

Also bear in mind: plans change quickly sometimes so multiple rounds of… whatever is happening may result? Therefore there are just more chances at which things could go wrong… aka pregnancy!

So Final Thoughts?

Well folks , It’s plain and simple really – Anyone who engages in sexual activity wants to avoid unintended pregnancy does what they need do so – And combining these two methods Will most likely decrease risks- but its still always great we all have options available.
Look’s like mostly good news here for anyone wanting add another notch up their contraception belt!

So til next time folks, make safer choices (unless having babies/children no pressure hehe 😎!)

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