How does it feel to have a panic attack?

If you have ever experienced a panic attack, then you know the sheer terror that comes over your body like an avalanche. One second you are fine and dandy, living life on easy street, then all of a sudden it’s as if someone hit the emergency eject button and you’re sent spiraling down into anxiety overload. But how does it feel exactly? Let’s dive in.

When it Starts

The beginning stages of a panic attack often entail confusion or disbelief — “Is this really happening?” — but quickly escalate to full-on engulfment. Your heart starts to race at an alarming pace, almost as if it’s going into battle with itself. You might notice sweaty palms or even experience regular “deer-in-headlights” moments where everything around you is moving too fast but also not fast enough.

Suddenly, no matter what activity previously occupied your mind (for me personally sometimes even just scrolling through Instagram), your thoughts can’t compete anymore. Everything past the current moment becomes obsolete and there is only one thing that rules supreme: Fear.

Fear Takes Over

You attempt to steady yourself by reassuring yourself that nothing outside of your own self-induced anxieties are causing this unbearable feeling of claustrophobia in your stomach . Suddenly though every time someone nears closer / tries to talk you feel inexplicably trapped” between their words and actions.

Every breath feels difficult and each additional breath turns into more hyperventilation than before – think faster & smaller inhales/start breathing shorter puff bursts out#. Soon chest tightness takes upon its role “like trying way too hard for ten crunches” except keeping count at this point is futile because who knows which breath will turn against you next&

Physical Sensations Are Intense

Your senses shift drastically during these episodes – shadows seem darker while backgrounds whiten- suddenly colors seem to wash out against the consuming blackness. Your stomach FLIPS UPSIDE DOWN at least three times in rapid succession.

You feel numb and heavy all at once with a sense of unexplainable regret” that seems to anchor you down immobilized until the attack runs its course.

Time is a stranger the whole goddamn time – a minute can seem like HOURS while an hour feels like minutes#.

But as quickly as it comes over, IT leaves . Suddenly there’s NO TRIGGER beyond your own mind’s distressing chaos from moments ago.
Afterwards your body will be excitedly displaying shakes every few seconds for “at least another quarter-hour” 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬e why not?

It Can Happen Anywhere & At Anytime

Panic attacks have no inhibitions; they don’t care if you’re in public or cuddled up in bed. Most likely though, it’ll happen when you are smack dab on center stage at work surrounded by colleagues or sitting still during Sunday service between quiet introspective ruminations. Panic wants nothing more than to MAKE 👏YOU👏 SUFFER👏 EVERYWHERE.

Restrooms become havens because: Privacy + Control= Survival..

A Vicious cycle of internalizing anxiety caused by panic paralyzes rationality – suddenly the only sounds anyone hear(s) might be YOUR heart beating so hard it vibrates through your ribcage.

Concluding Thoughts

While everyone describes the sensation differently and better words exist out there translated into different languages without our knowledge- one thing remains constant: The absolute terror that follows in tow along this infesting wave of confusion precipitated by drowning fears within oneself.

Ultimately we often find ourselves suffering alone because bystanders most certainly WILL underestimate what power these clusters can wield over someone.

Take care, fellow homo sapiens. It’ll be okay regardless of how it presently feels 💖.

If you’re currently struggling with anxiety disorders or panic attacks and are reading this: I completely understand! But remember to trust your journey.

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